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When my eyes close, 
And my heart opens,
I feel the pain,
It fills my soul,
And my tears flow

When a day dawns,
A minute comes,
Full of uncertainties…
I have never thought,
 For always I have fought,
I never thought I will be a victim,
Of a world so bleak,
Trapping in between,
Not allowing me an escape,
Piercing like a sharp thorn,
Leaving my heart to bleed,

It traps in a dome,
I suffocate, with no air,
It squeezes my life out,
Leaving me lifeless, with no will,
It spins me,
It tears me,
Leaving me,
For scavengers to find,

I try to crawl it holds me,
I try to fly, but it sucks my strength,
I am left in havoc,
Broken, nothing to be saved,
If I were an animal and not human,
That I would never treasure,
Maybe only the food I crash,
Just waiting for someone,
To give and lead,

If I were a bird,
That the world could never hold me down,
I would fly above the dark clouds,
Not allowing the rain to wet the feathers,

If I were…
But now I am human,
Made to know,
To think and decide,
To hold or release,
To keep or discard,
Everything I decide,

Like an oasis,
Am afraid to dry,
Like a leaf,
Am afraid to fall,
And be swallowed by the ground,
The route to human weakness is the turmoil of life. Life can bend any human no matter how strong they think they are. Life does not answer to no human and its wishes are always fulfilled. Some people think that death is the worst thing that could happen to anybody. Life has always proven to be the worst dictator. The existence of human beings is determined by how much they can handle what life throws at them. To live is not an easy task that is why we find some people committing suicide not because they do not want to be alive but because the turmoil of life becomes so painful and they think they cannot handle any more of it. There are also disappointments of life that prove to us how unworthy we are and how much we cannot handle life. Life is a mysterious thing. We may try to plan against it but it always shows its strength against that of human beings. We also try to control it, especially those who believe that they are stronger than its power and reality. However, life does not care who you are or what you have to offer it. It does what it wants no matter how much we try to resist its plans towards us. Life is unpredictable but you do not have to live forever, the worst fate is to exist instead of living.
Never envy your neighbor or another person just because you think they have a perfect life. The truth is everyone is going through something no matter how much we think our lives are complicated. The people we envy are also going through a tough time it is just different from our own. It does not have to be reasonable to everyone the reasons for one’s problems but this never makes each person’s problems any lesser vital. We always think that life is unfair but it is fair in its way since no one has a perfect life. Everyone’s desire for how they would like their lives to be is different but it does not mean any of the person’s desires are less worthy.
Life is a struggle for everyone and death is its end which is interpreted as for one to end the struggles then they have to die. However, no human has ever come from the afterlife and explained how it is. You might decide to die but there is no proof that where you go is any better than the life you are living right now. Strength is the only medicine of life. One might go through a rough situation but as long as one remains strong then you can overcome it. When you are at your end just think of the time you were facing problems and thought that you could not go through them yet you are still alive.
Sometimes one wishes they never existed but the question to ask yourself is, how would you have known about the joyful times you have experienced and enjoyed? Is it not worth it? Do not let go of the rope while you are falling from a cliff if there is even a slim chance to find a way to pull yourself up with the same rope. When the Supreme cursed human beings at the beginning of time and He promised a life of pain and struggles, He did so with the knowledge that humans can overcome. Why choose to die when you can still live? Some people find themselves in situations where they cannot escape death, they hope to have more time to live a longer life. It is only human to give up on life and circumstances that seem impossible. When that happens, think of the people who are going through worse situations than your own, and from them draw hope.
I have observed something; we despair when we think there is no reason to continue fighting for survival. When a painter is making a masterpiece whoever sees it before it's done, does not understand what is being made until the portrait is complete. The same happens in human life. We complain when the full portrait has not been completed. When it is done though we understand. Be patient and strong enough to wait for the portrait to be complete. When it is complete you will understand and appreciate all you had to go through as every scenario helped you to be where you are at the time.
Every human is born and dies at a time when their purpose is complete. You might think the purpose you see is minor but it is major and essential for a certain mission. Do not ever try to live according to someone else’s perspective of how you should. Dig deep and find your satisfaction. This life is personal as no person can feel pain for you the same way no one knows how your happiness should be. Be you to achieve happiness.

IN A MEMORYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora