【Chapter One: The Rules of a Corr[uption]ector】

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【Chapter One: The Rules of a Corr[uption]ector】

Before I get into what’s happening now, I have to tell a little about myself before. The back-when crap. I don’t want to give excess information so I’ll just start at a little over three years ago, just before it happened. I was twenty-nine then, at the “prime age” of my life, as some others said it. I was also at the “top” of my career…

A Little Over Three Years Ago…

Lights flashed from all around me, blindingly bright as they lit up the smooth planes of my face, giving the pale skin the appearance of a glow - kind of like how models looked after constant photo-editing. I wasn’t a model, and though the magazine and newspaper paparazzi flocked me like a celebrity, I was nowhere near being one, but to them, I was one thing and one thing only. 

… We are perfection…

I stepped out of the large chrome building, keeping myself from frowning as I was faced with even more photographers. Of course, it didn’t matter if I frowned and they caught it on camera. I was too important to them. In their eyes, nothing could rival me and when they took their pictures from their little cameras, they did a little something called photo-editing to get rid of any, if not all, flaws from our faces. They could turn my frown into a calm yet serious face that would encourage the public to be calm and serene like me. They could convince that the Correctors were perfect.

“Darcy, Darcy!” 

Darcy Levone. That’s my name. And I know that it’s a guy name; my mom knew it too. See, she was a fanatic of some incredibly old book called Pride and Prejudice - or something along those lines - and she’d been in love with one of the main males: Mr. Darcy. According to some old guy who used to know her as a child, she was so obsessed with the book that she went looking about for a husband that looked, spoke and acted like him. I guess she did, because here I was, but no longer was she…

And so, when I was born - and not the little baby boy that my mom wanted oh-so-much with all of her young, dramatic heart - she named me Darcy. She gave a girl a guys name. Sure, there’s a bunch of Jordan’s and Bobby’s out there that are either gender, but their names aren’t made for any specific gender! My name is. I can’t even consider it a real name for the fact that the guy was called Mr. Darcy. Hence, the name is really a last name. Not meant for a child to be called by it. 

But boo and hoo, my mom called me Darcy and since there’s no such thing as changing your name these days, it stuck. By law, I am and forever will be, Darcy Levone. Now, enough ranting about names. No one likes their names at some point, and I’ve been stuck at that point for quite some time and I will never get over it. 

Moving on to the present!

Today I had my platinum blonde - though I’d rather just call it white, with a few dark strands - hair up in a high ponytail so that each time I turned around, it shielded my face slightly from the overbearing photographers. Someone tried to reach out and grab my white turtle-neck - which, I’ll say now, is about the only type of shirt I wear, other than tank tops - calling out my name with a sort of desperate need. I turned around, my façade breaking away as I searched for the voice.

“Darcy!” I turned around, violet eyes wide with alertness and my lips slightly parted, ready to call out. This was part of my appearance to the public. I had to act like I cared. I had to act as if their lives really mattered to me. Honestly, their lives did mean something to me; I loved Levigation City, really, but I could care less for the people like the photographers who got themselves in danger just so I could save them. 

Finally, I caught sight of the one who’d called my name… and was hit full on with a bright flash of light, brighter than all the others. I winced, stepping back accidentally against another photographer who went mad asking me questions. I grit my teeth, before flashing them all a wide, toothy smile. Most of the outbursts were silenced while camera’s continued to snap away at my figure.

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