Savior | Chapter Eleven

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Jschlatt is now live: Finally declaring my love [Dream SMP]


Londyn's P.o.V. 

"So chat, how are you all today? I hope you're doing well because I'm not because I just walked into my base to find Schlatt in front of giant picture of himself and a sign that said 'We're married' umm...." I gulped and scratched the back of my neck.

"I'm calling my dads, Sapnap, and Karl." I said as I grabbed my phone. "No I'm not calling them on discord, this is too serious for that." I laughed nervously and facetimed George, Dream, Sapnap and Karl.

Yes I know what Dream looks like, I'm his daughter. I found out what he looked like when he facetimed me on accident instead of George. 

"Londyn what happened?" George and Dream asked, voices laced with worry.


Dream hung up and so did George. I just stared at my phone in pure confusion then at my monitor.

Dream joined the game.

GeorgeNotFound joined the game.

Sapnap joined the game.

Karljacobs joined the game.

I walked out of my Minecraft house and ran away to the community house. 

Badboyhalo: Oh hi everyone :) what's happening?

LondynHatesLife: Schlatt is trying to marry me

Badboyhalo: WHAT 

I joined vc 2 and continued running. Then Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl and Bad joined the call.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Sapnap yelled immediately.

"What he said but without the swear word. Language Sapnap." Bad said.

"Schlatt's trying to marry me. Do none of you watch my streams?" I asked sadly.

"I was waiting for my cue to log in." Dream said.

"Same." George agreed.

"I was as well." Karl added.

"Guys, look..." Bad whispered.

I looked out to the prime path to see Schlatt walking while Quackity ran over. Then Quackity joined the call.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?" Quackity yelled.


"Hide me!" I yelled and ran behind Dream and George. 

Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Bad and Quackity stood around me like a wall then Schlatt joined the call.

"Hey, hey guys. I'm just trying to do Londyn a favor here and let her marry me." 

I rolled my eyes but stayed quiet. 

"That's not happening." Dream said.

"Yes it is. So Londyn stop being a little bitch and come here." Jschlatt said.

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