Savior | Chapter Nineteen

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Londyn's P.o.V. -  

"HOTEL ROOM POG!" Tommy yelled as he jumped on one of the hotel room beds. 

"Tommy!" Will yelled, pulling Tommy off of the bed.

Tommy laughed making Niki, Tubbo and I laugh. 

"Okay boys, break it up. Jeez." I said as I walked over to the two that were now wrestling. Will got off of Tommy, walking over to Niki. Tommy got off of the ground, laughing still.

"What are we doing first? Tommy and I planned so many things for us to do. Here look!" Tubbo said then pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his hoodie pocket. 

"How about we all calm down?" Niki said jokingly.

"Right. Right. Sorry Mum." Tommy said jokingly, sitting down on one of the beds. Tubbo and I sat down as well while Niki sat on the other back and Will leaned against the wall. 

"Yeah sadly she's not my mum. George technically that role." I said, shrugging.

We all laughed then my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket to see that is was Sapnap.

Of course.

I answered the call, putting it to my ear.


I laughed, "Yeah I'm okay. We just got to the hotel."

I heard Sapnap sigh in relief. "Okay good, now I need to call Karl and Bad and tell them you landed okay. Call George for me please. He was also worried. Dream already said you called him."

"If I didn't call Dream once I landed I'm pretty sure he would become the hunter and manhunt me Sap." I said, laughing softly. 

"Fairpoint. You better get back to America with some drama between you and Tommy."


"Nothing. Nothing. Bye!"


Sapnap hung up quickly, making me laugh. 

"I need to call George then I'm going shower and change then we can go to whatever you guys have planned." I suggested.

Everyone nodded.

Once I got changed, we all walked to a diner down the street. Will and Niki sat on one side of the booth while Tommy, Tubbo and I squeezed on the other side just like how we were in the car. 

After we ate, we walked out for a little, messing around then went back to the hotel. It was only 6 pm. 

"We're going to go snacks, Londyn is in charge." Will said, grabbing his car keys.

"Not fair! She's younger than me!" Tommy complained while Tubbo and I just nodded. 

"Too bad." Will said as he and Niki left the hotel room.

Tommy crossed his arm and pouted like a little kid, making Tubbo and I laugh.

"Cheer up, Love." I said, ruffling his hair.

"You're a bitch." Tommy grumbled, face flushing red.

I smiled sarcastically and sat down next to him. 

"Let's watch a movie!" Tubbo said, sitting down next to me as he grabbed the remote. 

Tommy and I laughed at his excitement. Tubbo shook his head, smiling as he turned on a British movie I haven't watched. 

Will's P.o.V. - 

"We're back.." I said, noticing how quiet it was. 

"Ssshhh." Tubbo hushed, looking over at us from the second bed.

Niki and I walked in further to see Londyn and Tommy asleep.

"They fell asleep ten minutes ago. What took you two so long?" Tubbo whispered.

"Traffic." I muttered.

"Look how cute they are!" Niki quietly squealed 

I laughed quietly and sat down on the couch, looking at Londyn and Tommy as Tommy mumbled something in his sleep. 

Londyn was laying on her side against Tommy, her head on his chest with her arms loosely around him. Tommy was laying on his back, arms wrapped around Londyn protectively.

"When do you think he'll tell her?" I asked.

Tubbo shrugged.

"Actually, I reckon Londyn will tell him first." I added.

Niki shook her head. "No, I don't think she will. I don't even think they won't actually tell each other directly. They've basically already told each other they liked each other in every way you could without actually saying it." 

Tubbo and I nodded in agreement.

"I just better be the best man at the wedding; Minecraft, Among Us and real life." Tubbo said.

We all laughed then stopped once Londyn stirred in her sleep. Tommy grumbled something and pulled her closer to him then they were back to sleep instantly.

"At least she's sleeping for once." Niki said.



This story is making me realize how
lonely I actually am. 


BIG BROTHER INNIT (My Dream story if

some of you haven't clocked that yet) IS OUT!!


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