Chapter 4

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One of the things Y/N liked about working at "Hatch'd" was the fact that they used barbecued chicken or 'charcoal chicken' as her manager liked to call it.

The aroma every time she passed the kitchen was just.. mouthwatering.

"One TLC Chicken Burger, one size small salad and an avocado smoothie. Will that be all for today, sir?" The customer agreed. Y/N smiled politely "I will be right back with your order then". She twisted around on her heel and left to give the order out to the cook.

It was another night of taking orders, taking on rude customers and takeout food. Takeout food from her working place was cold by the time she got back home but Y/N was always exhausted by the end of her shift. She simply did not have the energy to cook food from scratch.

Plus the food is free! There's no way I'm saying no to free food. I'm a pitiful, broke college student after all~
Takeout food was much healthier than instant ramen anyway.


Y/N was trying to not run away from her own apartment but she was terrified.

The lock on her door was broken.

The door was ajar.

There was a strange smell of iron coming from inside her apartment.

She stumbled away, all the way into the corner of the hallway. Her heart thumping,thrashing in her chest. Her tired eyes were spiked with adrenaline. Her palms were sweaty. Something was stuck in her throat. She could not speak.

How did her neighbors not notice?

As if on autopilot, Y/N dialed the police.

"I think someone just broke into my house". Her voice murmured blankly. They asked a few questions. The questions flew over her head but Y/N remembers informing them of her address and the current situation.

"I'm fine, thank you officer". No I'm not fine. I'm just about to start crying damnit. She cut the line.

Y/N lifted out her taser from her bag and held it tightly. Gulping down the overwhelming fear, she scrambled to her feet and walked to the apartment door.

Her hands were shaking.

Slowly, she pushed the door open and stepped in, holding her breath. The awful smell got stronger. It reminded her distinctively of hospitals and surgeons.

Is this.. blood..?

The lights were off so Y/N treaded slowly and lightly on the floor, careful to not make any noise. Using the walls as a guide, she used her hand to feel for the switch. As the lights flickered on Y/N's eyes caught the drops of blood splattered on the floor.

God... if I ever die from this, I want you to know my last wish: to bring One Direction back together. And free WiFi if possible.Thanks in advance.

She followed the trail and ended up at her bedroom door.

Y/N fingers pushed against the door.

"Who the fuck are you."

A shiver went down her spine.

A man was sitting a small distance away from the door with his knees up, watching her every move. Under the light, his fox-like eyes gleamed and glowed dangerously. His silver grey hair was tousled and messy and stained with a dark red on the side of his head. It trailed down, past his neck.

That was his blood back there. That was the blood that was trailing to the bedroom.

Y/N stood still. Her eyes glanced to the corner to find a body in her bed.

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