Chapter 5

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Jungkook loved staying at Y/N's house. Even if Hyung did not like the idea, both of them knew this was the best kind of situation for them.

Both them got enough food and water so neither of them had to lie for the other to eat. He liked having Hyung close to snuggle with at night.

He liked it even more when they snuggled on a bed. With a mattress. With pristine white sheets. With a pillow where Jungkook could sink his head into.

Jungkook spent two hours just bouncing up and down on the mattress. Even if Hyung yelled at him to stop messing up the bed. Jungkook had already noticed the shiny sparkle in his eye when Hyung first saw the mattress.

It was dreamy to live so.. safely.

Despite everything, Jungkook still expects to wake up and find himself in that alley. In that alley where Hyung would be smiling weakly as if he was not just stabbed in the leg. He would wake up to ice cold winds that made his whole body tremble. To merciless, burning sunlight radiating on his skin. To endless stealing and the constant fear of being caught.

He did wake up next to his hyung one night, breathing heavily. The memories were crystal clear and as sharp as a knife. Jungkook would whimper and tug on Hyung's sleeve.

Hyung would wake up, murmuring strange sounds. His eyes red with sleep, his hair messy and all of his forehead. Instead of asking him what was wrong, Hyung would swing his arm around Jungkook's smaller frame and pull him closer.

"It's alright Jungkook.. you're safe with me ok..?Hyung will keep you safe bunbun.."

Jungkook would then drift off with a small smile as he shifted closer to Hyung's warmth.

Hyung is still here. He's safe. He's not bleeding. He's safe.


One night, Jungkook felt thirsty. Gulping audibly, he walked into the room and he saw Y/N lounging on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Too shocked, too scared to move, Jungkook remained still.

Until Y/N notices him standing like a scarecrow.

"Can't sleep?" She asked, her voice soft and almost tired. Under the darkness, Jungkook could not see what she looked like.

Seeing in the dark was more on Hyung's side anyway.Not mine.

But she moved closer slowly, giving him time to respond to her movement and Jungkook felt something flutter in his chest.

She did not move too close and stopped a few steps in front of him.

"Do you want some milk warmed up for you?"

Jungkook cocked his head to the side in confusion. "..milk?"

Y/N hummed in agreement. "It'll help you fall asleep easily".

Curious, Jungkook agreed.

Y/N moved away and switched on the light in the kitchen. He watched her place a small saucepan on the stove and grab a carton of milk from the fridge. After a few minutes, she switched the gas off.

Pouring the milk into a mug, she handed it to Jungkook.

"Tell if you need any more sugar, ok?". He nodded. Y/N smiled and turned away to wash the saucepan.

There was a little bit of steam wafting off the milk. Jungkook slowly lifted it to his lips and sipped. It was sweet. And warm.

Jungkook felt all warm and giddy inside.

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