Chapter 3

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It was a hot and quiet walk to the peak of the forest. Hidden behind countless of trees was the cabin that secured Jett's group for a good four months. Since the world became a death zone, she had regrouped with a bunch of strangers but made it out alive.

Everything was hot.

Everything was bright.

Crazy storms and crazy nights.

It was never cold, it almost seemed impossible to not be at least warm.

It's difficult to understand but the sun flares hit the world without warning and within that catastrophic accident, a killer virus was spilled and it changed people. People turned into killers just because of a sickness, just because of one small little spill.

Some people had been immune, Sid liked to called them munnies. Jett and her group didn't know if they had caught the virus yet but once someone showed signs of it, Sid would watch them carefully.

"Vanilla or chocolate?"

"I can't even think of that right now." Jett rubbed her eyes. "I haven't had either in awhile."

"So?" Radar questioned.

"Chocolate." Jett smiled weakly.

"Me too." Radar laughed. "Vanilla is too sweet."

"Hmmm let me see." Jett thought out loud. "Winter or summer?"

"Winter." Radar said quickly. "I miss ice skating and snowball fights and snow storms."

Jett nodded in agreement. "I miss my old life."

Radar didn't know what to say, other then nod in agreement.

"I miss shopping sales and hamburgers and soccer and boys..." Jett sighed.

"Everything will get better one day." Radar tried. "Someone will save us."


"That's the thing though, what if no one saves us?" Jett kept her gun to the ground. "What if it's just cranks left?"

"You are all so bloody depressing." That was Chris, Radar's older cousin.

"Why are you up here?" Radar questioned.

"Sid said you might of wanted lunch, so I came out to find you." Chris handed Radar and Jett a can of noodle soup, still slightly warm from the fire Chris must of warmed it on.

"See you before sun down." Radar waved at his cousin.

"Thanks Chris." Jett smiled at the older boy.

"Be careful out here." Chris looked around before turning around and heading back to the cabin.

Radar was again silent. He leant his hand to Jett, who took it without hesitation. They walked along the forest peak drinking the soup Chris had brought, passing the small creak and dull road that led to the cabin. Alongside the road was a bunch of cut down trees, so no vehicles could get in. The cabin was once an acreage, someone once went vacationing here.

"I think we've walked too far." Radar nodded towards the towering burnt trees and blazing sun that made an appearance. "Let's head back."

"Wait." Jett whispered. "Do you see that?" She bent down.

"What?" Radar did as she did.

"I think it's a crank."

"I don't see it."

"Right over-" She pointed to the incoming object.

"Should we shoot it down?" Radar questioned.

"No." She snapped. "It's minding it's own business."

Radar kept his gun aimed at the crank. "I think we should shoot it."

"Not yet." Jett shook her head. "It might be a person."

"Or a crank."

"Shut up."

The crank spoke, his voice rushed and worried. "Help?"

Jett lowered Radar's gun.

"Help please!" He yelled. "Shucking hell, I'm in need of bloody assistance. Anyone help, please?"

And then Jett ran to him.

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