The Ivy League Part 42

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       At the exact moment, Nate saw me too, and his emerald green eyes met mine. My chest ached, and I whirled away, tearing my gaze away from the boy who had hurt me, angry with him, but also angry with myself.

          Because I still cared.

***{Part 42}***

          I hurried after Ellen, but the path which had been cleared for her had already dissolved as kids melted into one enormous crowd, gossiping amongst themselves.

          I felt a hand close around my wrist and I spun around to see a girl who, I was pretty sure, sat across from me in Chemistry.

          “Is it true, Courtney?” she asked me, scrunching up her face in a pathetic attempt to look sympathetic.

          “Is what true?” I snapped at her.

          “That Nate totally screwed you over!” she exclaimed, trying to hide her eagerness and the smugness in her eyes. I closed my own eyes, grounding my teeth in anger.

          I opened them again to see her looking entirely too pleased with my obvious frustration.

          “No, he did not screw me over, we broke up. And you can’t have him, either,” I snarled into her face. I don’t know where the last bit came from, but it was said, and I didn’t want to talk to her any longer. Yanking my arm out of her grip, I spun around and lost myself in the crowd again.

          Still seething about the girl’s words, I slipped through a side stairwell and ran up the flight of stairs. What a dumb prick. As if Nate actually screwed me over; I just hadn’t been expecting it. I was completely fine again, back to my usual self.

          I think.

          The second floor of the school was empty, since nearly everyone had stayed downstairs to witness the would-be humiliation. Despite my annoyance, a small smile stubbornly tugged at my lips as I recalled the way-too-cheerful ceremony. That had completely backfired on Ellen, and the thought made me feel much better.

          Even if she had caused my own love life to backfire on me. My scowl was back, but I guess it was for the best that I was annoyed. I tend to be my most sarcastic and inventive self when things don’t go my way.

          Not finding Ellen on the second floor, I was just about to go back down when I saw a curtain of brown sleek hair whip out of sight. Smiling, I stealthily ran after her, and was at the top railing of the stairs just as she began going down. Whipping my cell phone out, I sent the world’s fastest text to Jake, praying he’d get it in time.

          “Hey, McAllister!” I called, trying to stall.

          She whipped around to face me, clearly not expecting anyone to be behind her. Stupid, plastic Barbie.

          “Courtney,” she sneered, noticing me. “Did you enjoy my little show? I dedicated a part of it just to you.”

          Inwardly, my cat-self snarled, but I smiled sweetly on the outside. “Well, I certainly enjoyed seeing everything you’ve done just smack you back in the face.”

          She tossed her head. “Whatever, Courtney. Do you remember what I told you the first day here?”

          I snorted. “No. Can you imagine I actually listened to what you said?”

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