Chapter zero.

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   My face stung as I opened my eyes, which in turn.... caused my eyes to sting. I hissed quietly before I forced my body to move. My body felt stiff as I sat up, it was as if I hadn't moved for days, the area around me was kinda flat with a couple of trees dotted around.
   I turned my head to check my legs to make sure I could actually stand before doing so. A series of pops and cracks echoed around the shallow valley, the origins, my bones. 
   I turned my vision to the horizon, to the east and south I saw a large clustering of white trees, to the west it looked like the area was covered in snow, to the north I saw a thick canopy of leaves piled atop dark wood.
   I checked the position of the sun before heading to the dark clustered trees, my skin was baking here.
    I plopped myself at the base of a tree, relishing in the cooler temperature. I looked around after catching my breath, along with it being darker here there were tall purple flowers dotted close to me. 
   The world around me was so interesting and new. I turned to my left and saw a dark figure with purple eyes, they were standing next to a tree, something told me not to look in its eyes, so I didn't. I closed my eyes and leaned my head onto the tree bark. 
   I heard footsteps from my left, but I ignored them thinking that it was an animal. The footsteps stopped in front of me,

   "You've just woke up, don't tell me you've died already?"

A New World. (Herobrine x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant