Dear Archie, its never gonna happen

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I'm sitting cuddled with Veronica as I stare back at the coffee table. It can't be, not from Betty. I shift a little and grab the letter. I've been putting this off all day. I got a message from Jughead, yesterday about how maybe she wasn't dead. I felt for him, I loved her too. Now we're getting random letters, what kinda sick joke do people think this is. I carefully open the envelope, being sure to not wake the girl in my arms. I unfold it and read........

Dear Arch, it's never gonna happen. It hurts me to write this but I will never be in love with you, yes I had a crush on you a few years ago but I'm with Jughead. I'm happy with Jughead, don't you want me to be happy? I needed you to find me so I could find myself. I need someone to find me, it was Jughead not you. I'm sorry Arch, I do love you but we both are in love with other people. I know that to be true.
                        Sincerely, Betty Cooper

I look at the paper in shock, it's from Betty. It can't be I mean she's dead but this is her. She wrote this, I-I. The words sting my brain " I need someone to find me" maybe she made a mistake but Betty rarely made grammar mistakes. She would have prided on her grammar if she had wrote this or the impossible. Betty Cooper could be alive.

*sirens wailing*
Archie*runs outside*
Alice*falls to the ground sobbing*
Jughead*in shock*
Cheryl*hugs Alice* I'm so sorry
Archie*goes over to jughead* dude what's wrong?
Jughead: Betty
Archie: what happen?
Jughead*looks at him* she's gone

I still get shivers thinking about it, when we saw her body in the casket. It didn't look like Betty but she had been stabbed in the head. Of course she wouldn't right?

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang