Dear Alice, Im right here

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I walk along the halls of the empty house, past her bedroom and down the stairs. I looks the photos upon the wall. I see a picture of her and Polly smiling at the beach. I grab some coffee and sit on the couch.

Polly*comes in* Hi Mom
Alice*stays quiet*
Polly: I got the mail, here *hands her the mail*
Alice*starts going through it and drops the mail*
Polly: mom, are you okay?
Alice: A-a letter
Polly*picks it up and opens it*

Dear Mom, I'm right here. Please notice me, I know Polly is great. I know Polly makes all A's. I know Polly is dating a northsider. Mom I love you and I want to be loved by you. I make good grades, I work hard. I have a boyfriend, yes he's a serpent and yes he's from yes Southside. But I love him and everyone loves him. He cares about me, so mom please I'm right here.                   Sincerely, Betty Cooper

I watch as Polly reads the letter. She starts to cry and I wonder what's in it? Who's it from?

Alice: Polls what's wrong?
Polly: it's from Betty
Alice: what?
Polly*hands her the letter*
Alice*reads it* it can't be

Polly*calls jughead* it's from Betty
Jughead: y'all got a letter?
Polly: yeah, how did you know?
Jughead: me and Toni and Cheryl have got them
Polly: who do you think is doing this?
Jughead: Betty
Polly: there's no way
Jughead: could you come over?
Polly: Right now?
Jughead: yeah
Polly: sure, I'll be over in 15 minutes
Jughead: see you

Polly hangs up the phone and walks away. I reread the letter over and over again. Is this even her writing? I know exactly how I could find out. I go upstairs and stop at her room. The door still open and everything untouched. I hadn't come in here since the day we found out. I couldn't, I walk to the shelf and pull out one of her more recent journals. I spend an hour comparing the handwriting, it's Betty's

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora