Dear Juggie, lets take a trip!

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Dear Juggie, let's take a trip. Let's fall more in love. Let's be together forever. Love, Betty

I know where to go. New York, it's only 26 hours away from Riverdale. We stop for gas and the we're golden. I smile a little, I get to see my Betty again.

Toni: Jones, where are we going?
Jughead: to find Betty
Cheryl: New York
Toni: why would she be there?
Jughead: we always talked of a trip there
Cheryl: and y'all are gonna get it
Veronica: well get to see Betty again right?
Jughead: of course

After a few hours, they all fell asleep. I switched on my favorite playlist. Love. Me and Betty always did this thing, we would make playlist and whatever feeling or word we thought was prominent, we named it that. This one is all love songs, it's Betty favorite. I jam to some songs for a while until Toni wakes up.

Jughead: do you think this is real?
Toni: what do you mean?
Jughead: what if someone's just messing with us?
Toni: Jughead-
Jughead: I'm serious, what if she's really gone Toni. I don't think I could go through this all again
Toni: it's real, we'll find her. We have too
Jughead: yeah
Toni: Jones, you and cooper are gonna be brought back together. I'll make damn sure of it
Jughead: thanks Topaz

After I talk with Toni, I feel better. Betty's gonna be in New York. Will she be dead? She's gonna be alive. She's gonna be drinking coffee or watching tv or shopping. She's gonna be Betty, my Betty.
She's not. She's gonna be broken. She's with a murderer. I start to drive faster. I'll get my Betts back.

The next day
We're only 2 hours away. I feel excitement? I just to have her back. I want to kiss her lips, hold her hands and have her in my arms. I want to go to sleep everyday knowing she's safe in her bed. I want to cuddle with her but mostly. I want her, I need her back. She's my missing piece

2 hours later
We finally get to New York, it's such a big city. How am I gonna find her? Where would she be? I find a little cafe and pull in

Jughead: WE'RE HERE
*everyone wakes up*
Cheryl* groggy* so now what?
Jughead: we find Betty

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Where stories live. Discover now