Dear Juggie, your clueless

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It's been about 2 weeks since we got all those letters, I pinned it on my wall. I've been thinking there's more to it, it seemed like she had wrote it in real time. Of course I know she didn't but there's a big part of me that wants it to be her. I want for her to walk through the door and kisses me like the first time. To everything to be normal, but of course it can't. I feel a rush of emotion just like the day of her funeral. I almost didn't go, it was nothing like what Betty has wanted but then again I'm pretty's use it wasn't her plan to be murdered. God Im morbid, she would have pointed that out, maybe have even made fun of me. I stare at the wall for a while till I hear a knock on the door. I wait for a second, maybe they will go away but eventually I have in. I open the door and it's just a letter. Betty. I run to my room and slam the door, I tear open the letter and start to scan it

Dearest Juggie, you are so clueless. I mean of course I don't regret a thing, that night are perfect. I love you and I just wanna be with you. I wanna kiss your lips every day, I wanna hold your hand, I wanna wraps my arms around your neck and feel your hands on my waist. I wanna feel safe but vulnerable, steady but adventurous. I wanna do everything with you.        With Love, Betty Cooper

By the time I've finished my eyes hurt from crying. Each words created a new tear. I wanna kiss her, I want all that back. I want her, I need her and now she's gone. Toni would know what to do or Cheryl. Maybe I should message them, meet them at pops. We could have a good time, share some laughs. Suddenly, i hear it. I hear Betty's laugh, I see her sunshine smile as she giggles with me at a pops booth. I remember it like it was yesterday, it feels just like it

Veronica: then she fell, just like face planted
Betty*laughs* it hurt!
*they all laugh*
Veronica: at least you didn't fall while presenting
Betty: yeah only after
Jughead: I'm sorry Betts *kisses her*
Betty: thank you Juggie
Veronica: it was so funny Bee, I tried not to laugh
Betty: no you didn't, you giggled as soon as I fell *smiles*
Veronica*throws a little fry at her* I would never

My hand shakes as I dial. Hopefully they will pick up, we can meet at pops. The phone rings, rings and then I hear Toni's voice

Toni: Jughead?
Jughead: I got another one
Toni: you wanna come here? Or pops?
Jughead: I'll meet you in 10
Toni: pops it is, see you Jones

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Where stories live. Discover now