Dear Polls, help jughead

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As I arrive at the trailer park, I feel people's eyes on me. You don't see a northsider like me here. Of course, Betty's from the northsider hut to them she was an equal. She was more than an equal. She was a queen, there queen. I don't know anything about southside or serpents. I feel so out of place in my baby blue dress with my diamond necklace. But I have to do this, for Jughead. For Betty. I push myself from my car and look around. God I can't remember which one Jughead lives in. I spin around a little but it's no use. As I'm about to call him, Toni comes out from her trailer.

Toni: Polly?
Polly: Oh my god Toni *hugs her*
Toni*confused* Hi, what are doing here?
Polly: I need to speak with Jughead
Toni: this way

I feel chills as i walk, the frigid air plus against my skin. We arrive at Jughead's door, Toni leave before I can thank her. I knock on the door then he opens it.

Jughead: hi
Polly: hey
*they stand there awkwardly*
Jughead: sorry, come in *moves backwards*
Polly: thank you
*they sit on the couch*
Polly: so you think it's Betty?
Jughead: yeah I do, maybe she's not dead
Polly: but we saw her body, that was here right? *looks at him*
Jughead: I-I don't know, didn't her body look different? I mean she didn't look like Betty. But of course if she was mur-
Polly: don't please, I can't hear that. You really think Betty's still out there. Why would she sends us letters after 6 months? Why not come home?
Jughead: maybe she can't
Polly: what makes you even think this?
Jughead: look at these letters *pulls out the letters with highlighted phrases*
Polly*starts reading*
Jughead: Betty made the occasional spelling mistake but those were written recently
Polly: who's to say that it wasn't someone else?
Jughead: I know Betty

After another hour of talking, I make an excuse to leave. The longer I stay, I felt like I was drowning. Betty's alive. I keep telling myself, there's no way but all the evidence is there. I just need to get home. Once I finally arrive, I see something tapped to our door. I talk a big gulp and walk up to the door. I pull it off and it's a letter. Two in a day? I open it, it's to me.

Dear Polls, help Jughead. I assume y'all been getting my letters. It's been a month since I sent the first one, If I know Jughead as well as I think. He was started to put the piece of the puzzle together. So please help him, find me and save me. I can't tell you where I am or who took me but hopefully y'all will figure it out. I promise I'll try and stay safe.
                      Love, Betty
P.S don't tell Jughead, I don't want him getting hurt. You have to tell no one, not a soul. Please polls

I drop the letter, she's not dead. How is this possible? I-I

Archie*comes out of his house* Polly you okay?
Polly*turns to him* It's about Betty
Reggie*looks at Polly* HEY BABE!!! dude come on
Archie: Polly could we talk tomorrow

I couldn't believe it, I can't lose help now. Betty's out there somewhere and it's my job to help find her

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Where stories live. Discover now