Dear Cheryl, im where you least expect

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I take a deep breathe and knock on the door. Jughead opens and see everyone behind him. Polly, Archie, and Veronica. I want to run away, I haven't seen all these people together since. Idk it's been a long time. I feel a hang grab mine and I look over my shoulder. Toni, yeah it's just Toni. My girlfriend. These are my friends, Veronica and Archie and Jughead. My cousin, Polly. I set a foot inside his house. God this is harder than i thought.

Cheryl: hi
Polly: Cher *hugs her* i missed you
Cheryl: me too
Polly*pulls away*
Cheryl*sits down*
Jughead: so
Toni: I'm assuming everyone has gotten at least one letter
*they nod*
Toni: lets see them
*everyone but Cheryl puts them down*
Toni: Babe
Cheryl: sorry *pulls them out and tosses them on the table*
Toni: okay Veronica
Veronica*stands up* Hey guys, so I-I umm *looks at jughead*
Veronica: I found an old journal of hers and a folder. She was researching the Riverdale reaper

Everyone collectively gasped. I can't believe we didn't know, she could be dead. That's why we found her body in sweet water River. IT WASN'T HER'S

Cheryl*blurts* the body wasn't hers
Jughead: hopefully
Polly: not hopefully *everyone looks at her* I got another letter *hands it to jughead*
Jughead*reads it* holy shit
Polly: she's alive
Archie: how are we gonna find her?
Jughead: follow the trail, figure out the mystery
Toni: Betty was strong for us, she was brave. We have to do this for her
*they all nod in agreement*
Cheryl: I have an idea *grabs her coat*
Jughead: where is she going?
Cheryl: just come on
*they follow cheryl*

I remember something Betty showed me at my house. Of course, why haven't I thought about this before. Betty we are coming

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Where stories live. Discover now