Dear Juggie, we're home

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As I hold Betty in my arms, she's so fragile. She bruised all over, her bones are showing. But her face is still her face, her hands are still her hands. I pull one of her hands and kiss it. She moves a little and curls up. Then she starts to sob....

Betty*starts sobbing* please no, please
Jughead: Betts
Betty*starts thrashing herself* let me go
Jughead: Betts hey hey
Betty*wakes up* Jug
Jughead: it's okay, I'm right here
Betty*crying* he hurt me jug
Jughead: it's gonna be okay, your safe now. Okay?

My grasp around Betty grows tighter, I don't ever wanna lose her again. She starts to drift off again and I kiss her head. She smiles and then she's out

Veronica: Jughead, what's wrong with her
Jughead: I don't know
Veronica: is she gonna be the same Betty we knew?
Jughead: We're just gonna have to take it day by day
Veronica: Betty's gonna be okay *grabs her hand* she's strong

Veronicas right, Betty's so strong. How could anyone hurt her? She's so precious. I'm never gonna let this happen again. What if she leaves me? I would leave me, I didn't protect her. I drift off to sleeping thinking about Betty.

The next day
Toni wakes me up, we're back in Riverdale.

Toni: so what happens now?
Jughead: let's take her back to my trailer
Toni: okay *drives toward the trailer park*

As we drive to my trailer I play with a lock of Betty's hair. It's still that silky blonde I love. We drop off Archie and Veronica at her house. They are pretty exhausted from looking. We finally arrive at my trailer and I carefully carry in Betty.

Fp*hears them come in* Jughead boy, your finally- *sees Betty* oh my god
Jughead: dad we found her
Fp: I-I have to call Alice
Toni: Mr.Jones wait, let Betty rest a little while before we call the coopers
Fp: your right Toni
Jughead: thanks dad

I look at Betty in my arms. I rest her on the couch and go into the kitchen. She probably needs some water. While I fill a glass, Cheryl sits down cradling her head. Toni turns on some TV and somehow things they feel alright. I take the glass of stared into the living room exchanging places with Cheryl. Betty wakes up a little

Jughead: Hey Betts, here I'm gonna sit you up a little
Betty: Juggie
Jughead: Here drink some of this,  you'll feel better
Betty*drinks some water* Jughead how did you find me?
Jughead: we searched for a long time
Betty: for me?
Jughead: yeah
Cheryl: I'm gonna head home, I'm super tired
Toni: I guess my leaving too
Betty: bye guys
Cheryl: I love you so much *hugs her* I'm so happy your okay
*they leave*
Jughead: Betts can you tell me what happened?
Betty: he beat me and kept me in there. I begged for my life. I wanted to see you or tell y'all where I was but I couldn't
Jughead: did-did he feed you?
Betty: rarely
Jughead: I'm so sorry-
Betty: you have nothing to be sorry for, I love you Jughead. I always will love you. I would go to the ends of the earth for you
Jughead: why? I couldn't protect you
Betty: but you found me, you found me when I thought no one would *pulls his face to her* I love you Jughead
Jughead: I love you Betty *kisses her*

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ