Dear Polly, Im finally home

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I get awaken by screaming and crying. I wrap myself in my fuzzy robe as I run downstairs. I stop in my tracks as I see. Betty, She's back. I run over to her and hugs her tightly. She's crying and mom is crying and now I am too. I pull away and get a good look at her. She's so thin and bruised. I see cuts on her leg, she's limping. Oh my god, what happened?

Alice: Jughead thank you so much
Jughead: I promised you, I would bring her home
Polly: Betty you need to go to the hospital
Alice: what? Why?
Polly: her foot
Betty: Polls I'm sure it's nothing
Polly: and the bruises. Does it hurt to walk? You could have a broken rib
Betty: Polls calm down please, I'll go okay?
Polly: okay
Jughead: Wanna take my car?
Betty: yeah Juggie *kisses his cheek*
Jughead*grabs her hand and kisses it*

I smile a little, my first real smile in months. Just looking at them, you can tell. He loves her, she loves him and it's gonna last. It's every lasting love, it's all consuming. It's what Betty's gonna need. We all pile in the car and I drive. Jughead drives with Betty in the front seat. He holds her hand the whole way.

At the hospital:
Jughead picks up Betty, my mom runs towards the door. She opens it frantically as Jughead carries her in. I follow behind them. A nurse comes to us

Nurse: what's wrong here today?
Jughead: this is my girlfriend, Betty Cooper. She was taken by the Riverdale reaper. She umm-
Nurse: say no more, let's get her back there
Jughead*sets her on a bed* it's gonna be okay Betts
Alice: I love you Baby
Nurse: wait here, well have the information right out

I'm so nervous, what if I wake up and this is a dream? I sit slowly onto the seats in the waiting room. Mom thanks Jughead, over and over again. He brought her home, he fixed what was once broken

Sincerely, Betty Cooper Where stories live. Discover now