Trust me Katara...

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Mainly a Zuko POV...

The young water tribe girl still didn't have hope for me; it wasn't like her. Even though the only knowledge I had of Katara was her waterbending skills and her short temper; I still knew she held hope for everything. At one point that was all she had. Everyone else had trusted me! But, that didn't matter. I just wanted her trust the most.


During the camp fire, the day after Sokka and Zuko had saved Suki and Hakoda from the boiling rock. They all shared laughs at Zuko's witty joke.. besides Katara. She didn't find it funny in the slightest bit.


After Katara had ran from the camp fire; angry at my joke that everyone seemed to find funny I chased after hoping to get a couple words in.

"Everyone seems to trust me now. What is it with you?!"

"Oh yea everyone seems to trust you now. I was the first one to trust you! Remember; back in Ba Sing Se!"

"Ugh. What can I do to make that up to you?!"

"Oh I don't know! Take back Ba Sing Se in the name of the earth king! Bring my mother back!"

That was the last thing said in that argument after Katara stormed off...


Ugh! How can I be so stupid?! Why does direct her anger at what happened to her mom to me? All I want is for her to trust me!

I walked down to Sokka's tent from the docks. I needed to ask question about what he remembers from what happened to her mother. Katara was the only thing on my mind. I cared about her thoughts, judgement, opinions on me. I needed to make this up to her, it's what she deserves.


"Hey Sokk-"

I hadn't realized what I was walking in on. But, it certainly wasn't pleasant. I could tell something really important was about to go down when I walked into that tent.. ugh gosh! How did I not realize that when I saw Suki!

"Hey, so what's on your mind?"

Sokka asked me that after he had completely swallowed the rose in his mouth. I had to pull myself together. I was here for a reason.

"Your sister."

"What about her?"

"She hates me!"

"Oh Katara doesn't hate anyone.. besides some fire nation people. Oh! I-i mean like not fire nation people who were bad but are not good."

"I care about her opinion of me. I need to know what you remember about what happened to your mother.."

"Well it's not a story I really like to remember."


Sokka told me what had happened. I had all the information I needed to get Katara to trust me; better yet to get her justice and peace. I waited outside of her tent all night; waiting for her if she maybe came out. She meant a lot to me.


"I waited all night for you."


"Because I know who killed your mother and I know where to find them."

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