I Feel It (Aang's POV)

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This is mainly Aang's POV

I saw as Zuko and Katara snuck discreetly out of the house. Well, I guess they aren't too sneaky if I caught them. What is my girlfriend doing with Zuko this late at night? And- and where are they going? I grabbed my glider so I could follow them to this secret location. I had to stay hidden and behind.

I watched as the elemental opposites trailed down a path that went down to the ocean. There's no harm in a late night swim! Maybe I'm just overthinking this all. Should I stay? or should I go?

I decided to stay. I had a feeling something was up. Am I a bad boyfriend for this? Of course not! I'm just protective of my girl. I saw as Katara undressed herself under the full moon. She was gorgeous. But, she's my gorgeous girl. Not Zuko's, Haru's, or Jet's. She was all mine. Katara was still angry at me of course for trying to touch her. I don't even know why she'd get mad? It was a simple touch. She completely overreacted at that!

I have to stay focused. I'm here for reason. I can tell Zuko's obviously flirting with Katara. I wish I could just go up and yell but, then they'd know I was here watching them.


Aang was sitting silently. Thinking at himself all the horrible things about Katara. He waited peacefully; seeing nothing too interesting yet.. until he saw the kiss.


I watched Zuko pull Katara in. The words he said to her... "I can't do this anymore" what does he mean by that?! How- how could she do this to me? We've been a thing from the start and she goes for the banished fire bending prince. I got up and left. I couldn't see anymore of this. It was too much.



"Yeah Zuko?"

"I've been waiting to long to kiss you like that"

"Ever since the southern raiders all I wanted to do was conceal myself in you"

"What are we gonna do about Aang?"

"Don't worry about him Zuko. It's me and you now."


Katara and I kissed for so long we had drifted to the shore. I started kissing down her neck as she let out a light moan. The way she looked me up and down with her eyes the color of the ocean made me want to not leave her side all night.

As Zuko kissed me on my neck; he stopped for a slight second to ask if I was ready and okay. This is the boy I need. Actually, this is the man I need. He asked me for consent, and I was ready to continue on with him all night long. He started to cup my right my breast, while the other hand lead down the middle of both my breasts, down to love spot. I was ready, I really was.

I got up off of Katara. I took off her gorgeous white undergarments and I took off mine too. I grabbed her hand and lead her back to the water. We were swimming under the moonlight naked. The intimacy was so true. What I had with Mai was nothing compared to this. I asked the girl who was only perfection if she was ready to give me piece of her that could only be taken by one. The young waterbender said yes...

The muscular firebender grabbed me by the waist. He had grabbed my two legs and wrapped me around my torso. He kissed me so beautifully. It had felt like time had stopped. The moon was still shining down on us; I believe it was about 2 in the morning. He started kissing down my neck, down to my breasts. The firebender looked up at me with his beautiful amber eyes that reminded me of a million fireflies. The amber eyed boy asked if I was ready... and I was.

I grabbed the beautiful girl and put it in slowly. The tip first; she let out a soft moan. I asked if she was okay and if she wanted me to stop; the sapphire girl said she was okay. I proceeded by putting it in slowly and kissing her. I told the waterbender we could stop anytime she wanted to. But, I think we both never wanted it to end. I was stroking slowly, in and out. Katara had her hands scratching down my back and kissing down my neck.

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