It's Because I Love You!

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I tossed and turned face down on my bed; considering going down to the beach to see Zuko. What Aang said seemed real. But, maybe he's wrong. I mean he was in an iceberg for 100 years... how could he know anything about "stereotypical boys" but, if Aang is right; I could be just setting myself up for a heartbreak. I trust Zuko, I have hope in Zuko, and most of all. I love Zuko.

I got on my green kimono dress with my hair half-up and half-down. Hair loopies are an automatic. I needed to see for myself what was going on. I shouldn't let Aang's jealous words get in the way of something I feel is real.

I started walking down to the beach. I had to be really discreet since Aang saw us the time before the last. I have a good feeling about this. I always do.

As I started walking down the trail I saw bright-ish dim lights down by the water. Oh no! Is someone here? I kept walking; but, I had my element in my hands ready to attack. As I walked along the sand I could see there was a rock trial leading towards the lights... this was never here the last time I came?

I decided to keep going. I was ready. That's when I saw Zuko, faintly though. He was wearing nice clothes, his red and black pants with a black button up shirt. He looked so handsome...

"Katara! You came!"

"I had a good feeling."

"Look at what I did for you..."

"Wow Zuko. You did this for me?"

There were lanterns lit all in the water and on the beach. Zuko had also set up a late dinner for the two with a trail of rocks in the shape of  a heart next to the picnic blanket.

"Of course. I would do this again and again just for you."

"Thank you so much. No ones ever done something like this for me."

"You don't have to say thank you, Katara. I actually have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"The reason why I came into your room was to ask you to come to the beach tonight. I didn't ask you to come last minute for a pep talk. I've been planning this for a while now."

"That means so much to me Zuko."

"I still have my question... I don't mean to be all cheesy and weird; but, this felt really right to be super extravagant because you deserve it... Katara, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

Katara jumped into Zukos arms with so much joy and happiness. Even though Aang's words stung; she knew deep down that this was a real thing. The young lovers sat on the beach and ate the meal Zuko had prepared...

"Wow this is really good."

"Hey! Don't be so surprised. I'm the full package."

Katara and Zuko laughed while she nudged him for making a stupid comment

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to Aang."

"Wait what?"

"Aang was the one who made me believe all those things about you. But, I looked down in my heart and knew he was wrong."

"I would never use you for entertainment of any sort. You're my girl and I wouldn't do anything to mess that up"

"You really know how to make my heart all warm, don't you now? Haha."

"It's because I love you."

"I love you too. Wow, I never thought I'd say that to anyone besides my brother and dad."

"I never thought I'd say it to anyone period."

Katara looked around at the beautiful lights and gave her new boyfriend a kiss.

"I still can't believe you would do something like this for me. It means so much."

"Us being together will never be boring. I'll make everyday a special day."

"I'll make that promise too."

"Now. Here's the real question. How are we going to tell everyone. Because, Sokka's my best friend and that your brother..."

"Oh my god! I forgot about everyone else."

"Hey, don't worry. I'll be fine. Just don't overreact."

"I'm not!"


Oh I looked at the beautiful blue eyed girl and just saw the pink tint appear on his cheeks. Damn, I'm dating this girl. Who would've ever thought that a banished, scarred, outcast of a prince; would be dating such an elegant, gorgeous, smart girl like her? I can't overdue or mess up my luck like I usually do. She's too perfect to lose.

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