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Weeks later...

The gang had moved on to Ember Island since Zuko said his family had a house there that they could stay at since no one has been there since his family was happy.


"Wow Zuko nice place"  -Sokka

"Yeah, seriously. Why didn't we come here a long time ago?" - Suki

"Well. I really didn't think about it until Katara told me how much she missed the beach" - Zuko

"Wow! Thanks Katara" - Sokka and Aang


Hours later...

The gang already picked their rooms. By choice, Aang picked his right next to Katara's. By chance, Zuko's room was across from Katara's.

Katara was making food for everyone as usual. She casually walked into Aang's room wondering what he wanted to eat. Aang looked a little distraught so Katara went on and sat next to him...

"Hey you alright?"

"Yeah. Just sozin's comet is 4 days away and I'm super stressed out."

"You have nothing to worry about. You've already taken up waterbending and earthbending, and you're almost finished with firebending."

"Yeah I know, it's just scary."

Aang grabbed Katara and kissed her. Katara didn't want to be rude so she decided to kiss him back. Usually Aang didn't put his hands anywhere until he started sliding up her thigh.

"Aang what are you doing?"

He ignored Katara and kept going...

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?! Stop!"

"All we've done is kiss! Why don't we try take things up a level?"

"I'm not ready to do that Aang. I already told you to stop once! That should've been enough."


Katara stormed out of Aang's room. She had such a terribly scared and shocked face on.

"Hey are you alright?"

Zuko bumped into her in the hallway and he just noticed by the way she crossed her arms, kept her head down, and tears just flooded in her sapphire eyes.

"I- uh yeah. I'm fine."

"Katara. Just come in my room. Let's talk"


Why would Aang do that to me? He's never done that before. The way he just looked so eager to touch me all over and-and just uncontrollably didn't stop when I told him to. Why would he do that?

"What happened in Aang's room?"

"H-he j-just tried to touch me in places I wasn't ready to be touched in yet, and when I told him to stop. H-he didn't. So I left"

"That's so wrong of him to do that. Katara it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I know.. it's just he's never done that before. He looked so scary."

"It's okay. You're fine now."

Katara seemed to settle down. Zuko's words of empathy really helped her out after what Aang pulled back in his room.

"Hey. I have something that'll make you feel better"

"What is it?"

"We didn't get to finish our conversation back at the docks."

"Yeah... soooo?"

"I didn't get to tell you my favorite color."

"Isn't it red?"

"Nope. It's blue."

"Why is it blue?"

"It's such a gorgeous color, it goes well with everything. Especially with sun kissed skin tones."


Dinner time...

Katara cooked up what she knows best. Sea prunes! Sokka and Katara ate it right up. While the rest of the gang stared and smiled... that's when Suki had the bright idea of looking through the wine cellar as she was "using the bathroom". During dinner she brought it out and everyone seemed so shocked.

"Suki what are you thinking?! We're just kids" - Aang

"I mean. I'm 15. I'm a man." -Sokka

"I mean it's not like we're gonna ride Appa under the influence..." -Zuko

"Guys! Let's be responsible"

"Oh come on Katara. One glass." -Suki

"What even is it guys?" -Toph

A couple of glasses of wine later...

Katara stormed into Zuko's room pretty intoxicated. While Zuko and Sokka weren't even phased by the wine...


"Yes Katara?"

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah of course"

"So what was Aang even trying to do with me?"

"I don't know. Probably trying to have sex with you."

"Isn't sex just naked kissing though?"

"Wait what?! Katara you can't be serious."

"It is naked kissing! My dad told me"

"No, no Katara sex is when a man puts in penis in a woman's vagina. Naked kissing is just kissing with no clothes."

"Wait seriously?"


Zuko had realized that Katara's never been touched before. She had never even had the knowledge that sex was a thing. He was intrigued considering he's not a virgin himself.

"Katara there's also many more things than just that."

"Like what?"

"Your mouth can go there, your fingers, anything. You can even do it to yourself."

"I've heard about doing it to yourself but isn't that wrong?"

"No. It's completely normal."

"Oh wow. I can't even imagine me and Aang doing something like that."

"Me neither. Yeesh"


Katara went back to her room with all this newfound knowledge of her own anatomy. Even a males anatomy.

Wait. Was what Zuko said true? Can I actually do this to myself? Why would Aang wanna do that with me? I can't believe Zuko knew all that stuff about sex and oral stuff. Maybe he's good at stuff like that?

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