I Feel It

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"Zuko! Zuko!"

"Yeah Katara?"

"I tried it!"

"Tried what?"

"Doing stuff to myself!"

"You did? How was it?"

"It was extraordinary!"

"That's good Katara"


Katara kept talking to Zuko as he was packing a little bag together full of food.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going on a little adventure today"

"Where are you going Zuko?"

"To this secret beach that no one on this island knows about"

"I wanna come!"

"Ssshhhh Katara."

"Please let me come. I need to practice waterbending

"Okay. We leave in 2 hours."

"Okay, okay."


Katara was intrigued by this "secret beach" Zuko was talking about. She didn't only want to go for waterbending. She wanted to spend some time with Zuko as if they haven't been together every moment.


"Oh. Hey Aang."

"I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"Will you accompany me on a date tonight?"

"Oh well Aang I have plans tonight."

"You have plans? With who?!"


"Oh come on Katara. We haven't spoken since what happened in my room yesterday and you've been spending so much time with Zuko lately."

"Yeah I know. Me and him are bonding. It's good. But, we're just friends Aang."

"Okay fine. But, why haven't you talked to me since yesterday?"


"It wasn't a coincidence Katara. Be honest."

"Okay fine. You made me feel really uncomfortable yesterday. You didn't stop when I told you to and you made me scared..."

"I made you scared?! Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious! I've never done stuff like that before and frankly I'm not ready!"


Katara stormed out of the room. She was quite angry with Aang's ignorance. But, she stayed happy cause her adventure with Zuko was coming soon...

Hours later...

"Psssttt Katara."


"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go."


The two young benders walked all the way down to the beach Zuko was talking about.

"It's so beautiful!"

Katara exclaimed as she took off her cover up showing her white undergarments while diving into the water.


I watched as the gorgeous young waterbender dive straight in the water. Her figure was gorgeous. She had curves like smooth mountains. The way Katara dove into the ocean was like she was one with the water. Her natural element was one with her. I couldn't help myself but to stare at her sapphire colored eyes, her caramel like skin, and her deep brown hair.

"Are you gonna come in or what Zuko?!"

I loved Katara's laughter. Nothing made me happier than to listen to her enjoy herself. She is perfection.

"I'm coming in!"

I watched the muscular firebender take off his robes to show his washboard abs, and his slender body type. His amber colored eyes illuminated off the moon like it always did. He had a smile from ear to ear which isn't normal. Zuko stayed rather serious a lot. But, tonight I've never seen him look better.


The two enjoyed each other's company so greatly. They shared many laughs amongst themselves. The young benders, elemental opposites. Who, in many ways balanced each other out more than ever. Zuko couldn't help but gaze into her eyes while Katara was focused on his lips.


Zuko looked so amazing in the moonlight. Even when he's most powerful when the sun comes up, he still looks so engaging in the glimpse of the moonlight. I tried with Aang. I really did. Now, I just don't know how I feel about Zuko...

I gazed into the beautiful girls eyes. Beautiful is an understatement when it comes to her. I think I'll go with perfect. I couldn't stop gazing into the perfect girls eyes. The color sapphire looks so enticing as it reflects off the ocean.


"Zuko. I have to tell you something."

"Yeah Katara?"

"Have you done the sex stuff with Mai?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Anyone else?"

"Yes. But, only one other. Her name is Jin"

"How do you feel open like that with one another?"

"When it feels right, it just happens. Heat of the moment. Who would you do it with?"


The waterbender said that as Zuko looked so ever intrigued. She giggled and splashed water on him playfully.


"I can't keep this up anymore" - Zuko

"Keep wha-" - Katara

The beautiful water bender couldn't get her last sentence out right when Zuko grabbed her and kissed her. Zuko grabbed Katara's waist, pulled her in and kissed her slowly.


"I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself"

Katara pulled Zuko in for another kiss. But, this time she climbed on him. Katara wrapped her legs around his torso, and her arms around his neck.

As I was kissing the perfect girl I slid my tongue to her bottom lip for permission to enter. It was quickly given to me. We were making out in the ocean for what seemed like forever. It felt like all the clocks in the world broke when I kissed her. It felt... so, so right.

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