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Katara and I made it back up to shore after round one. I pressed her up against sand with our wet bodies colliding with one another. I put it back in slowly as I cupped her left breast. I thrusted slowly against the water tribe girl. My hand left her breast and started to trail down to her clit. Katara let out a loud moan, begging for more...

Morning Time...

After Zuko and I made love last night; we realized throughout our third round that the sun started to come up...

"Is that the sun?"

"Katara. What are you talking about?"

"The-the sun. It's up!"

"You're joking..."

"We've been doing it all night!"

"I mean no complaints Katara..."

She nudged Zuko in the shoulder since he wasn't taking her seriously.

"Zuko!! What are we going to do when they wakeup and we're not at the house?"

"Just grab our clothes now and head out."

"Okay okay let's go."


Katara was clearly stressed that we lost track of time. She's so cute when she's angry... while we were getting our clothes back on she looked at me with her big blue eyes, a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. God... I thought she looked perfect in the moonlight. But, the sun contrasting, saturating her caramel skintone. I'm so obsessed with this girl.

With the tint of pink on her cheeks only getting brighter and brighter... she got on her toes and kissed me. It was so adorable how short and small she was. We shortly got our clothes back on and headed back to the house. Her and I laughed the whole walk there. But, when we got in the doorway she let out this big laugh at a joke I made about my old haircut. I covered her mouth quickly so no one would hear.


Zuko brought me back to my room like the gentleman he is. I gave him one last kiss before we could get our sleep. Oh man, I am obsessed about this guy... even though I had some guilt. I could never regret what the last few hours has done to me.  I think- I think I love him... no? Maybe? Is it too soon though? I mean- I've always had feelings for him since the southern raiders but is it too soon for love? I've had this thing for him going on for at least 2 weeks now... I think I did fall in love with him. Maybe he feels that way for me too.

I tossed and turned so I could get some rest. But, I couldn't stop thinking about Katara. It wasn't just the sex we had it was the way I had always felt about her. The first time I came to her village looking for the avatar, I looked at her and only thought about her beauty. When- when I had her mother's necklace and touched her neck, I always had something going on with her. In the crystal catacombs, when I was with Mai, during the invasion. It's always been Katara...

Breakfast Time...

"Morning guys!" - Katara

"Hey... what are you going up so early?" - Toph

"I smell bacon!!!" - Sokka

"We have breakfast?" - Aang

"Yes. We have breakfast. I went to bed early last night so I could make you guys some food."  - Katara

"Hmmph sure..." - Aang

"Did you say something Aang?" - Sokka

"Yeah Aang. Repeat yourself." - Katara

"N-nothing. I said nothing."  - Aang

"Where's Zuko?" - Toph

"Maybe he needed more rest from the night he had." - Aang

"What did Zuko do last night?" - Toph

"I don't think anyone did anything Aang" - Katara

"Yeah... alright. Listen I'm not even hungry. I think I'll just got back to bed." - Aang

"More for me!" - Sokka


I ran after Aang after he excused himself from the table. It could be nothing but, he said a lot of suspicious stuff from last night that no way he could know about.

"What were you saying at breakfast?"

"Nothing Katara. Why? Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"No. But, what you were saying at breakfast was rude."

"You're just overreacting as usual."

"That's also rude! God! What is your issue?"

"My issue is you! You and Zuko!"

"Are you seriously jealous?"

"No! And I'm not making things up either! I saw what I saw!"

"What did you see then? Because nothing happened!"

"Oh yeah? Is that so? Then how was your kiss with him in the water?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you don't know Katara. Save yourself some time."

"Stop being so rude!"

"I'm not being rude. I saw everything though."

"You were at the beach?"

"Yeah i was."

"You followed us?!"

"Yeah. Im happy i did too."

"This is such bullshit and you know it!"

"You could've saved me from the pain by just breaking up with me but instead you go out and cheat on me!"

"We weren't even together!"

"What- what are you talking about?! We've been together since the invasion!"

"We were never official Aang. So I didn't cheat. You're just obsessed."

I left the room feeling upset. He had no right to follow us and watch what we did. We aren't even together! He can't go around saying I'm his girlfriend when- when I'm not! I'm such a tease... I must've done something to make him think that I was his girlfriend? Ugh! I don't even know anymore.


I heard Katara slam her bedroom door. There must be something wrong; she's usually a very delicate girl. I just got out of the shower and I heard that slam. Dang.. must be bad. Could it be that she regrets what she did with me? Is she still interested i me? Im gonna go check on her.

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