What If...

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"Katara. Are you alright?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine."

"No you're not. I see the tears in your eyes."

"It's nothing Zuko. Don't worry about me."

"Did i do something Katara? Because if I did I'm sorry. I was never trying to take advantage-"

"It's not you... it's Aang."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"He saw everything."

"But, how?"

"He followed us to the beach. He left before he saw us have sex. But, he saw us kissing."

"That arrow headed bald boy followed us?"

"Yes. He was saying awful things while you were sleeping during breakfast."

"Like what?"

"He said how you needed more rest from the night you had and all this rude stuff"

"Oh Katara. I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. It's not your fault."


Katara was filled with sadness and there was nothing I could do. She looked up at me with her sapphire eyes, filling with tears by the second, and her voice cracking every time she spoke. What could I do? There was nothing more I wanted in this life than to be by her side. I always want to see her happy and filled with joy. But, of course I will always stick around through the downs. Katara, oh Katara. She doesn't deserve to feel sad when she's the best person I've ever met.

Late that night I took a walk down back to the beach. I needed to clear my head. Katara sat in her bedroom all day. She didn't want visitors so i respected that. The beach is really where I needed to be right now. As I walked down the trail I saw a quite beautiful girl resting upon the shore with her knees up to her chest. She looked awfully sad. As I got closer I realized it wasn't just any girl; it was Katara.

I walked up to Katara and sat right next to her on the sand.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to clear my head. What about you Katara."

"I couldn't sit in my room any longer, listening to Aang talk about me to himself through the walls"

"I understand."

Katara rested her head on Zuko's shoulder for comfort...

"I love it here."

"It's beautiful. When my family and I used to visit, I would bring my uncle here and we'd pretend to be waterbenders. It was nice, just me and uncle. No Ozai to tell us that we shouldn't act like other elementals when our element is the most "superior. That's what I miss."

"That's amazing."

"Yeah. It really was."



The two young benders laughed after they had both said each other's names at the same time..

"You go first."

"Katara. I've been needing to tell you something.."


"I think I'm in love with you."


"Yeah. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay! I was going to tell you the same thing dummy!"

"You love me too?"

"Yes i love you! I've been loving you this entire time. I covered it up mostly because of Aang. But, I've been in love with you Zuko."

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