In The Moonlight...

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Mainly a Katara and Zuko POV...


I was in shock after what Zuko told me. Is it true? Does he actually know who killed my mother? If so, why did he do this for me? I've been nothing but rude to him and I don't see why not. He betrayed me... I don't want to trust him again. But, maybe, just maybe, this is my way to see his growth.

Katara agreed to take this journey with me. It was finally her time to let go of all the anger and resentment she holds. It's her peace. If she doesn't trust me after this; I won't understand why. But, I'll be happy if she finds justice for her mother and herself.


Katara and Zuko were packing their things for this long journey ahead of them. They estimated at least 4 days long at sea. It was going accordingly until Aang stepped in...

"Where are you guys going"

"To find the man who killed my mother"

"Wait what?! Katara. What do you expect to get out of this? Are you gonna kill this man?"

"Im getting Katara her justice" - Zuko

"Katara. Please don't choose violence. When you see him find it in your heart to forgive him. Don't take revenge. Revenge is poison."

"Alright guru goody-goody" -Zuko


Aang needs to get out of my way. He just doesn't understand what I will do to get justice for my mother...


After a day at sea Katara was still awake with determination deep in her eyes. Zuko offered to be to the one awake and hold the reins. While Katara could sleep and get her energy up. They were almost to the tower to find the ship of the man who killed her mother.

1 day later...

We found the ship. It's finally my time to get my power back from this man. This dirty devil of a man who took an innocent woman who was my mother away from me. Zuko suggested we should try a stealthy approach. I disagree.

As Katara tried to use her bending to grab a man off the ship I stopped her. We couldn't bring too much attention to ourselves when we were trying to commit manslaughter!

When Zuko stopped me from using my bending he grabbed my arms and pushed me against the ship. Our bodies were on top of each other. Our faces, were centimeters away from each other. I looked at his lips, at his eyes, and back down to his lips. It was almost like my brain was telling me to lip lock the muscular fire bender during a mission! It was wrong. I'm supposed to be with Aang. But, why do I feel this pull to just give him my all?

I was pressed up against the young water bender. Our noses were touching while wearing our black clothing. Her eyes, they're just so. So gorgeous.


The two young benders hopped on the ship. They laid their attacks on anyone on deck who got in their way. They got to the engine room and made their way up to the captains steering wheel. That's when they found the man who... wasn't the one who killed the water benders mom?


He wasn't the man... all the work. All that fighting just to bloodbend the man who didn't harm my mom. Zuko assured me it was alright since we had gotten the mans location. His name, even his home address. It was time to actually set the attack. We might as well consider this one a practice run.

All I could think about while Zuko was controlling Appa was the way he pinned me up against the ship. I shouldn't be thinking about that. It's dirty and wrong! But his- his eyes. Amber and gold. Like pools of honey sitting in the sun. They're beautiful. Even more beautiful with the full moon illuminating on them. 

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