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"Should we really tell them?"

"Katara. Trust me, I think we should."

"I don't know. The secrecy is pretty fun."

"It is...but, we got to tell them."


Katara scoffed jokingly as she knew her mysterious secret boyfriend and her had to come out from the dark.

Afternoon Time...

"Hey guys." -Zuko

"What is it man?" - Sokka

"Yeah. What's up?" -Aang

"Oh god." -Katara

Suki and Toph walk in....

"Hey what's going on?" -Suki

"Katara. Why is your heartbeat so fast? You too Zuko?"

"Erm.... well. Guys, we all have to talk about something really quick." -Katara

"Ok?" -Sokka

"Katara and I are together."


The gaang exclaimed...

"My-my best friend and my sister?!" - Sokka

"Wait! I thought I was your best friend!" -Aang

"Aang calm down. Zuko's a man like me. You're my best friend too." -Sokka

"Yes. Zuko and I are together..."

"Nice one sparky! Got yourself a good catch." -Toph

"Wow! Congratulations guys!" -Suki

"Yeah... congrats." -Aang

Aang stormed off into his room upset. He was clearly jealous of Zuko since "it was written in the stars." For him and Katara to be together.

"Aang. Don't storm out!" - Katara

"Yeah seriously man what's your deal?" - Aang

"You wanna know what my deal is?! This isn't right at all!"

"Aang you have no place to say that!" -Suki

"Yeah seriously. This is about fighting the firenation. Not fighting for Katara's love!" - Sokka

"Grow up baldy. Imagine how many girls like you considering you're I don't know... the avatar!" -Toph

"Whatever. Sozins comet is tomorrow. Let's table this for after." - Zuko

"Alright your majesty." -Aang

I can't believe Aang would pull that idiotic stunt during lunch. It wasn't about him; it's about Zuko and I. Plus, he shouldn't even be worrying when the comet is tomorrow!


The gaang got a long rest that night; preparing for the comet that was coming for them. The plan was set straight. They were ready...

The Day Of Sozin's Comet

I was ready to fight firelord Ozai no matter the circumstance. I had to blow off this steam somehow. Even though Katara is angry at me, I know she has my best interest at heart. She cares. I just have to understand that.


Toph, Suki, and I took out the firenation air fleets so they couldn't do anymore destruction than they already have. We battled a lot. I even thought I lost my Suki... but, even in doubt of myself she came back even more eager to fight. The battle was harsh. But, you could say that we won this fight considering there were no more fleets to take out. I even almost lost Toph and my arm! Thankfully Suki and boomerang came back to knockout those jerk firebenders. I just wish I knew what was happening with the dynamic duo?


The Last Agni Kai

I watch as Zuko and Azula battled to the death for the place on the throne as firelord. I offered to help; but, he assured me that she was slipping through the cracks. Zuko had learned the redirect lightening. But, I was steady in the back ready to attack if Azula played any of her usual games. The battle was good, unbelievable to say this but, Azula was losing.

"Where's your lightening? Afraid I'll redirect it?" Zuko yelled at Azula

"Oh you wanna see some lightening?" Azula snarked


I watched as Azula aimed her lightening at Katara. It felt as if my heart was in my throat. It was like slow motion. I had to protect my girl at all costs! I jumped in front of the bolt; knowing I couldn't redirect it in time. She got me. But, it was worth it to save my blue eyed girl.

"Zuko!"  Katara screamed out in fear

"I'm sorry. But, I'd rather recommend if Zuzu sees the family doctor!" Azula shouted

Azula and Katara battled it out in a constant as I laid on the ground thinking these were my last breaths. I felt the electricity going through me like my blood. I had to fight to live. To live for her... Katara finally got her good. Damn she is good at waterbending. She chained Azula to the drain and immediately rushed over to me.

"Zuko..." Katara said as she turned Zuko's body over.

"Oh Katara..." Zuko groaned

"Oh my..."

I used her water to heal Zuko. He was badly hurt. I had to do whatever I could to save him. He's the only man for me!

"Thank you Katara."

"I think I should be the one thanking you."

She lifted Zuko off the ground. He was wounded so ever badly. But, it seemed to be over... the skies were turning blue again... and nothing was burning down to the ashes. We were okay. Aang did it.



"Your eyes. My love . They've never looked so gorgeous."

"I love you."

Hours later...

Aang did it. He saved the world. I knew from the start I could always count on him. Even though him and I weren't meant to be. I still love him so much.

To be continued...


Hey guys! So I'll be taking a little break from this book. Yes there's more chapters to come! I'm actually writing a new one soon enough.

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