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Adrian's P.O.V.

-"I dare you to make another sound!"

Andrew hissed in my ear as he pushed the blade close to my throat. It was so close that I didn't dare to breath. I was horrified and felt broken. I could feel tears trying to escape but I hold them in.

Suddenly from the corner of my eyes, I saw Stan running away. Thankfully, they hadn't noticed him. In my head I was just praying for him to find Eugene soon.

Varian's P.O.V.

I walked through the hallways with Eugene still frowning. I really disliked that boy.

-"Varian, if you wanna come then stop frowning please! You must know better than anyone how important a father-and-son reunion is!"

I huffed and tried to keep an straight face but there was still a little frown. Eugene sigh before speaking.

-"V, if you hate him that much why are you even coming?"

-"I don't trust him. I wanna make sure Adrian is okay. Andrew is there too and only demons know what is on his mind! Now consider he had hurted her before!"

-"Okay, I'm kinda convinced. But he is in his cell and Adam seems like he really like Adrian."

I just frowned deeper. Before I could make a comment, we saw Stan running torwards us. We exchanged a worried look and ran his direction. When we reached eachother he was panting out of breath.

-"Stan, what happened?"

Eugene asked stressed. Stan looked at him in the eyes scared.

-"Sir! The Saporian escaped! His son stole the key and now they have Adrian as hostage!"

For a second we were both frozen. But just for a second before my anger kick in.

-"I knew it! I knew we couldn't trust him!!!"

Eugene looked at me scared.

-"We should get the gaurds!"

-"What if they're gone when we come back?!"

I asked Eugene angry and concerned.

-"Training area is just behind the prison for saftly. We can reach in time."

So we ran torwards prison. Eugene stoped right before it and ran out coming with a small group of soliders seconds later.

As we opened the prison door, my eyes get looked with a brown pair. A pair of terrified deep brown eyes. Adrian...

Andrew had his arm under her throat holding her up and only allowing her toes to touch the ground. He held a knife wich was touching her throat making it dengrous to breath. And Adam was standing behinde them with emotionless face wich turned a bit angry and nervous aupon seeing us.

-"Let her go right now!"

Eugene demanded while getting his sword but just as he took a step close, Andrew's voice stopped him.

-"Woah stop right there Eugene! You don't want me to hurt your little doll, now do you?"

Andrew spoke in a mocking tone as he brushed the dagger to her throat making a small line of blood goes down her neck.

We were stunned. Dispite his voice and choice of words, he was dead seriouse...

I needed to think fast.

Eugene's P.O.V.

I stood my ground but I was scared. I knew that man had no problem with getting innocent lives and the only reason Adrian was alive, was to use her as a hostage.

I couldn't let him hurt her and I didn't want to let him go either. I looked at Adrian. She had her eyes closed tight, shaking slightly.

My eyes got locked with Andrew. The glimmer in his eyes threatened me. I stood back and brought my sword down.

-"Let them go."


Sorry, this chapter was ready long ago but I forgot to publish. School is really taking my time and I'm completely out of motivation. It'll take me some time to figure out my other book. If you have any ideas for that one, I would be glad to hear it!

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