chpt 5

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"I'm gonna shoot myself" You whine, pacing around your room. "Why did I say I was gonna go to the mall with him. I'm broke, and I'll probably be late because I'll sleep through my alarm" You stopped pacing. "I was gonna train on Saturday, but now that can't happen" You look through your closet, finding a presentable outfit to wear tomorrow. This outfit should do just fine.

You fold it up and lay the outfit on your bedside table. You sit down on the floor and decide to doodle for a couple hours to pass the time. After getting bored, you look through your phone, and see a few notifications, one of them coming from Bakugo. You decide to open the others first and then open Bakugos. He texted you an hour ago.

sexy blondie
Hey dumbass. I'll pick you up at 1pm tomorrow. Don't keep me waiting.

You giggle at his text. He never failed to keep up his tough-guy act. Being the evil shit you are, you reply with "k." This ought to irritate him, at least slightly. Instead of waiting for his reply, you decide to FaceTime Uraraka because you were bored. You open the FaceTime app and click on the name "Ur a caca 💩"

"What's up!"

"Hey Uraraka! I...have something to tell you" you suck your teeth, "What is it Y/N?" She questions, doing her hair in her mirror, eyes focused on you. "But you've gotta promise me you won't tell anyone this, okay? It's uh, our little secret for now" you giggle, now she was intrigued, "Go on..."

"I THINK, just think, someone may have, possibly, asked me out?" You couldn't help but give a small smile, making her grab her phone "WHO IS IT?!" She smiles, leaning in questioningly.

You inch your face close to the phone, opening your moth to whisper softly, "Bakugo" before quickly jerking your head back "BUT- im not sure. He asked me to go to the mall with him this weekend" you pout, confused with him. "I feel like he hates me and is always annoyed with me, but at the same time I think he genuinely wants to be there with me? I don't know, Uraraka, help me out" you sigh, laying your chin in your hand.

"Okay, Y/N, if I'm being as honest as a friend can be, he's a jerk" she blanks. You roll your eyes, and signal her to continue.

"And a bully" she continues.

"And extremely rude and ill-mannered" she continues.

"And likely somewhat deranged" she continues.

"And very scary." She pauses.

"But, I really think he likes you" she smiles softly, making you fall flat on your carpet, looking at the ceiling.

Before remembering something, and jerking right back up. "Uraraka?"


"Did the homework" you sweat nervously.

"Sending it right now" she smiles, shaking her head.

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