What if I told you I like you

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Tom's POV~ 

I'm currently sitting in my Science class, not really paying attention to what is being taught, but rather focusing and admiring Y/N. She sat two desks in front of me, one row to my right. 

Y/N, 11th-grade valedictorian, the violet-eyed brunette. She was the most captivating person to look at. Her long brown hair swayed at her lower hips with the slightest movement, her back and chest rising and falling with each inhalation and exhalation.  She uses her left hand to push loose strands tickling her face behind her ear. The slight furrow of her eyebrow when she couldn't figure out an answer to an equation's formula, makes me tilt my head slightly to my left. The way she bites her bottom lip when trying to really focus on what she's doing, has me biting my own lip, imagining the unimaginable. Her eyes scanning the page then the whiteboard. 

"Tom? Tom?! Are you done with the exercise?" Mrs. Marti asks, sitting at her desk, eyebrows raised. The rest of the class turn to look at me and I notice Y/N looking at me with a small smile.

"Yes, I had completed the activity yesterday," I reply, leaning back in my seat and returning the smile Y/N had given me. Mrs. Marti nods her head and continues tapping away on her laptop. 

**time skip**

"Tommy boy's whipped, d'you see the way he zoned out looking at Y/N?" Gabe says smirking at me and then at the rest of the group. I lightly shove his shoulder, "Look whose talking, remember how you were before you finally managed to muster up the courage to ask Tatum out? At least I'm not some sort of stalker," I start walking away, hearing Gabe run up next to me. "Then what do you call knowing how long her hair is?" he asks looking skeptically at me. "That is what people call noticing things, it's really not my fault if you're oblivious to anything Tatum does with her appearance. We've established that I notice small things even if they're the least bit noticeable," I cock my head looking at Gabe and closing my locker, slinging my backpack over my left shoulder and slipping my hand into my jeans front pocket. 

"Tatum changes her appearance every second week, I'm afraid of getting whip-lash from it," Gabe says looking around. 

I smile and shake my head, "Are you going home now, or staying  for practice?" Gabe looks up, his eyes growing wide, and shakes his head. "No, I'm good, I'm going. Bye!" I frown, he didn't answer the damned question, that is one thing I hate, not being answered; I find it incredibly rude. Sighing, I turn, rubbing my brow, and walk straight into Y/N. 

Just as she's about to fall, I grab her arm and hold her upright. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?" I search her face for any form of discomfort. Her face looks flushed and her eyes are down-cast. 

Now I understand why Gabe ran off like that. 

Y/N looks up at me and I notice the height difference between us, she practically has to crane her neck back to look at me. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you," she looks at my chin and brushes her hair out of her face. I step back and tilt my head. Her eyes snap up to me, and she blushes; I find this is so cute. 

"Tom, look, I know you're really eager to leave but I absolutely have to tell you something," she still has her eyes looking at my chest. I nod and wait. 

"I know this will sound really stupid, but I-I..." she inhales deeply, closing her eyes, "I like you and have liked you since 2019, June. I needed to tell you because it wasn't very healthy with regards to my mental and emotional well-being, I thought that if I told you, I'd finally be able to concentrate in class... basically doing anything anywhere. I'm not asking you to feel pity and say you like me, I need you to understand that I did this because it was taking a toll on my academics." she looks up at me, and I see the tiny flecks of gold around her pupil. I step forward.

Her eyes grow wide, I smile wrapping my arms around her and lean my head on her head. Her face in my neck crevice, inhaling, exhaling, tickling my collar bone, and making me smile wider, shutting my eyes. 

"What if I told you I like you?" 

𝔗𝔬𝔪 𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔒𝔫𝔢-𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 ✭Where stories live. Discover now