Road trip!

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"Babe!" Y/N yelled up the stairs, waiting a few minutes before walking up the stairs herself. Tom was currently sitting in his office at his desk, hunched over his laptop, with his glasses on his forehead. His headphones over his ears and Y/N knew almost immediately that he was working on his music. 

Stepping carefully over a random piece of scrunched up paper, and over to Tom, she rests her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. Tom looks up, sees Y/N's reflection in the office window, smiles, and takes off his headphones. Smiling, he rubs his eyes and tilts his head to rest on hers. 

"Hey, babe. What's up?" he says tapping away at his keyboard and humming random notes. 

"Tom, what is today?" Y/N asks, lifting her hands and runs them through his hair, tilting her head and looking at him. Tom looks down at the right corner of his laptop, "The 15th, why?" and continues tapping on his laptop. 

"Could we go out to lunch?" Y/N asks, lightly kissing his jaw. "You go ahead, I'll be down in a minute." Tom nods and looks over at Y/N, smiling. "No more than a minute," she warns playfully. 

Tom chuckles, "Of course, time me, baby." he says, knowing it was a thing they always did, ever since they met in track-and-field. 

Y/N's POV~

I packed our small suitcases into the trunk of my car, and waited, checking around the house if I had left anything behind. Tom didn't know anything about this random trip, all he knew was that I was hungry, and wanted to go out. He didn't know that I had reserved a hotel room at The Ritz, and we were going to spend the entire week there, enjoying everything there is to be enjoyed. 

Tom walks out the door and over to the passenger side after shrugging on his jacket and locking up. 

"So babe, where are we going?" He asks, buckling his seatbelt on and looking at me, head slightly cocked to the left. I glance at him as I drive out of the driveway and onto the main road. 

"Nowhere specific, just out for lunch then back again," I nod and smile. 

**time skip** 

"Y/N, where are we going?" Tom asks using his dominant voice on me and looking at me. I gulp, not answering him. 

"Y/N, pull over right the fuck now," Tom says, fuming because I didn't answer him. My left eye twitches and I slowly pull over. Turning off the car, I rest my hands in my lap. Tom reaches over and takes the keys out of the ignition slot. Slipping the keys into his pocket, he raises his eyebrows expectantly and clenches his jaw. Good God, I know I'm in for one heck of a ride...

He takes hold of my chin and turns my face towards his own, "Y/N, tell me where we're going, please!" 

"Ack! Fine! I wanted to have one week with you, so you might calm down from all your stress, so I booked a room at The Ritz for the rest of the week... it was supposed to be a surprise...."

Tom's eyes soften and he smiles sweetly, "Aww, I'm sorry, I kind of got worried after we passed all the take-out restaurants, sooooo... You can't really blame me, but why did you feel the need to kidnap me in order to take me out for a relaxing week?" I smile and laugh slightly. 

"Because I knew you weren't going to be okay with it, you'd want to bring your laptop with you, and that's no way to relax"

"So it's a road trip?" I bow my head and laugh, "Sure,"

𝔗𝔬𝔪 𝔉𝔢𝔩𝔱𝔬𝔫 𝔒𝔫𝔢-𝔰𝔥𝔬𝔱𝔰 ✭Where stories live. Discover now