Princesses Don't Cry

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Y/N's POV~

Tears spill from my eyes as I walk to my car. Tossing my bag into the passenger seat, I place my head on the steering wheel.

'Why would James do that? Was I just a toy to him? Two years of dating, two years of believing his lies, two years of dating a cheating jerk... two years of my life wasted, on some asshole who couldn't be happy and content with one girl, that he goes after two, AND IN THE SAME DAMNED SCHOOL!'

Wiping my tears, I start the car and reverse out of my parking space, but not before making eye contact with James and his girlfriend. He looks away from me, to Bexley, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, tiny-waisted 11th-grade student who happens to be in all my classes, and has never stopped taunting me from the time I stepped foot on school property, about my violet eyes. She teased me because I was always ten steps ahead of her, always got higher grades than her, always looked better than her, and was overall smarter than her. I shake my head, put the car in gear, and drive off but managed to make sand and pebbles go flying everywhere. 

I'm going to make him regret cheating on me... 

**time skip**

Tom's POV~ 

Today was Thursday, meaning that today was my first day at Granite Bay. 

As I get out of my car, my parents drive into the schoolyard and park on my left. A black and turquoise 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS drives in, and skids into a parking spot and turns off. A boy around my age steps out of the Camaro and straightens his jacket, brushes his hair out of his eyes, and walks over to the trunk of the car, grabbing his backpack, slinging onto his shoulder, and is nearly knocked over by a loud, obnoxious looking girl with hair so bleached that it looked dead, even from where I'm standing, nearly 12 meters away from them. I visibly cringe and look away from them to my parents getting out of the car. 

My dad and mom walk over to me and my dad puts his hand on my shoulder, "Let's go, son."

"Hello, you must be the Felton's, Mr. Harrison awaits you," a lady with brown hair, all wrapped into a ponytail, wearing a black pencil skirt, a red satin dress shirt underneath a black blazer, and black stiletto's. We get up and follow the lady into a large office with a mahogany desk. Binder files and color paper scatter the desk and off to the left is another desk with a computer monitor and keyboard on it. On the wall to the right of the doorway is a mahogany shelf with thick files, portfolio files, student profiles, and a few framed photos of students, teachers, and members of the school staff. Behind the desk is an office chair and a trash can off to the right. We sit on the couch 4 meters in front of the desk and wait, taking in our surroundings. There are two sets of large windows with white blinds over them. Between the two windows was a board with hooks that had the school's master set of keys, each had a teacher's name and a bright-colored tag on it, with a class number. 

"Ah, good morning, you must be the Felton's. I'm Mr.Harrison," A tall tan-skinned middle-aged man walked in, fixing his blazer buttons. He had dark brown hair that was styled backward, off his forehead. His eyes were faded green and he had a dimple on his left cheek. 

Just as Mr. Harrison sat in his chair, a student with long brown hair stood at the door, knocking on it. Her head cast down and hands folded in front of one another. 

"Mr. Harrison, you called for me?" her voice was soft and airy, almost as if she had been crying for a while. Her hair long and slightly curled, and shiny was past her waist-line and seemed to vanish in a straight V behind her thighs. Her face was the face of an angel and it only made me want to destroy that innocence even more. 

"Yes, Ms. L/N. Just give me a few minutes and I'll get right to you," Mr. Harrison says as he looked at her with a smile and looked back at me. When I looked towards the door again, she had gone. 

 "So, you must be Tom, I'm Mr. Harrison, as you may already know. You are free to come by my office any time if you are confused or need any assistance that cannot be performed by a teacher or a teacher's assistant." He smiles and I nod my head smiling lightly. 

**time skip**

"Ms. L/N, this is Mr. Felton, he is our newest student here at Granite Bay, and I would like you to be his chauffeur, perse until he knows where everything is. Is that okay?" Mr. Harrison says, looking at L/N who nods her head. I still haven't gotten a good look at what she looks like, her eyes are always cast down and she never once looked at me in the eyes since I had arrived nearly 45 minutes ago. "Excellent, Mr. Felton, I hope you enjoy your time here at Granite Bay, and feel free to come by my office any time. Ms. L'N, please take Mr. Felton here to Mrs. Abreo, to get his schedule. I hope to see you around, Mr. Felton." We walk out of the office and take a left at the door. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but, who is Mrs. Abreo?" I look sideways at L/N and she looks straight ahead. "Mrs. Abreo is our secretary, she deals with new students and documentation such as student transfers from classes, etc etc. Now, I hope I don't come off as inquisitive, but what is your name?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Why would I think you're inquisitive? You don't really think I want to you call me by 'Mr.Felton', do you?" I ask half laughing. She ducks her head and smiles, "I guess not." 

"My name is Thomas Andrew Felton, but prefer being called 'Tom Felton'. What's your name?" She looks to her left and finally we reach the end of a very long hallway. "My name is Y/N L/N," I look at her. "That's a really beautiful name" she nods and I see her visibly start blushing, ducking her head once again.


As we walk away from Mrs. Abreo, the bleached-haired girl from the parking lot walks up to Lyra. She's dressed in a pair of leather shorts that are not shorts, but rather looks like underwear. A red sequined tube top and black matte military lace-up knee-high boots with a face full of makeup that looks like she'd plastered it onto her face. Her style differs from Y/N who's wearing a simple lavender long-sleeve t-shirt, a pair of gray faded ripped jeans, and a pair of lavender and white Nike Air Jordan Diors. Her hair slightly curled and parted in the middle, clashes with the other's hair whose is bleached white and curled so tightly. Lyra is only using lip-gloss and what looks like eyeliner. 

"Well, if it isn't Y/N. James seems so much happier without having to hide the real love of his life, and I just wanted to return the stuff you left at his house, the last time you were there." The bleached blonde says smirking evilly at Y/N, handing over a bag. "And who might you be?" she purrs in my direction and I nearly throw up. "I'm Tom Felton, and you are...?" she blinks her eyes several times, tilting her head and smiling not-so-innocently at me. "I'm Bexley Gracen Graye. It's so nice to meet you," she sticks her hand out for me to shake, which I ignore and step closer to Y/N. Bexley scoffs and looks back at Y/N. "So, this your cousin who you asked to pretend to be your new 'boyfriend'? 'Cause if so, I'm going to have to steal him away from you, too," she says battering her eyelashes and pouting. 

"He isn't my cousin and we aren't related in any way, and if he does choose to 'date you', then that's his choice, I'm here right now, only because of Mr. Harrison." Bexley sneers at Y/N. "James was right to choose me over you, you're just an ass-kisser to anyone with authority," Bexley says before slapping Y/N. Or, attempts to. Y/N dodges the slap by turning out of the way, while I calmly stepped sideways. Bexley looks stunned for about a second and a half and lunges at Y/N again. This time Lyra doesn't dodge Bexley's attack, but rather, catches the punch and lowers Bexley's hand for her. Y/N clenches her jaw and pushes Bexley to the ground, kneeling. 

By now, there is a crowd around us, everyone staring and whispering to one another. 

"Bexley got James to cheat on Y/N, I'd say Bexley deserves it... "

"Serves her right, she's worse than a dog!" 

"Woah! Do you see how strong Y/N is? She brought that ox of a young lady to the ground!" 

Suddenly there's a break in the crowd, the guy that drove in with Camaro SS; James is running towards Bexley and Y/N.

"Y/N let Bexley go! Before I do something I'd later regret!" something in the tone of his voice made me drop my backpack and back Y/N up, glaring at James, who now stands beside Bexley, growling and glaring at Y/N and I.

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