Chapter 15

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I look at Lucifer like he's crazy. "How can I be a Vampire, I don't have the traits you do." I tell hem. Lucifer looks at me "When a Vampire feeds from whoever, they learn everything about that person." Lucifer tells me.

"But....I'm human." I say. Lucifer takes my arm, he pulls the sleeve of my shirt up. Using his nails, he slices my wrist. Instead of red blood, its black. "Only Vampires have black blood." He says.

"That's cause I feed from you afterwards." I argue. Lucifer takes my hand, pulling me into the bathroom. "Than how do you explain this." He turns me around to face the mirror.

My face is the same, as is my hair but the thing that stands out is the lines on my face. Under each of my eyes are twin lines that are thick at my eyes and thin down and out to my cheeks. The lines are black as night.

"We had a king who a mate and they gave birth to a son. That son was sent away when the killings begin, so that one day, he would take the throne and restore peace to our realm." Lucifer says.

I can't speak, can't think. How am I one of his kind. But the evidence is clear. "Does the same go for Light, would he be half blood." I ask. Lucifer shakes his head

"Any Vampire born of a pure blood will be pure blood. It'll take a while for Light to come of age. He won't crave blood till he turns twenty." Lucifer explains.

"So, how old am I really." I ask. Lucifer comes in close, I back up against the counter, he grips my hips. "Ask me again after we're done." Lucifer says, eyes turning purple.

I place my hands on his chest, shoving hem back. He launches, slamming into the cabinet. Looking at my hands, Lucifer looks at me. "What color were my eyes." He asks.

"Purple, why." I ask. Lucifer looks away. "Purple means a Vampire is experiencing heat. That they....I've, found my mate." He explains.

I exit the bathroom, shrugging my coat off, I pull my shirt off. Climbing in bed, pulling the covers over me, I fall sleep.

A few days later, me, Violet, and Shade are hunting a serial killer. Layed on a roof, Shade and Violet shadow the killer. "Tell me when and I'll take the shot." I say into the mic.

'ETA five, maybe six minutes.' Shade says.

'I have clear sight of the target, shall I move in, boss.' Violet asks.

"Negative, this isn't shot to kill. I have tranquilizer in the chamber." I replied, pulling the spring back and loading the round.

Celebrating the scope, I see the target but don't have the shot. "Violet, your que." I say. Violet walks out, dressed in a red and black dress and goes to the guy.

She sweet talks hem into moving to the side. The killer reaches into his coat, I see the hilt of a dagger. "VIOLET DOWN." I order, pulling the trigger.

Voilet rolls to the ground as the bullet hits. The killer drops like dead weight. Shade move in to get his limp body as I pack up.

Back at the appartment, Violet had changed outfits. "I saw the dagger hilt and took the shot." I explain. Both nod "Good to have you back, Hawkeye." Shade says.

I smile as they leave. Coming back into the kitchen, Light jumps into my arms. Holding hem close, I go to the washroom. Changing, grabbing Light's bag, we head for the dinner.

Walking in, all greet me and Light. Light goes to the back with Ray and I go behind the bar. Later that night, Light asleep on my shoulder, I head back to the apartment.

Turning the corner, I stop as a man dressed in black stands before me. "Let me know how it is on the other side." Black shoots a purple orb at me, I turn to shield Light but it slams into me.

The light dissipates, I collapse to the floor as figures kneel around. Vision hazy, I focus on one person, he looks like Lucifer. Closing my eyes, I sink into darkness.

'Where am I. Can I get home.'

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