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It's been well over a month now since Peaches and I have been together and things have been going pretty smoothly.

News of mine and Peaches relationship died down a lot more quickly than I had expected. I'm not complaining though.

We haven't really gotten the chance to hang out as often as we used to anymore, now that finals are just around the corner, but we always seem to squeeze in time for one another. Even if it's just a phone call.

I've taken her out on a total of three dates so far and they all seemed to have been a success.

I'm beyond ecstatic. Things couldn't be going any better.

"Alright. State Newtons law of universal gravitation..." Adrian asks, Physics textbook in hand.

"Wait I know this one..." I say scratching my head in frustration. "Ah shit! Give me that." I snatch the book out of his hands and groan as I read over the definition.

"Why are these definitions so fucking long!" I place my head on the table, covering it with my hands.


I turn around in my seat to glare at the middle aged librarian in annoyance.

We are currently seated in the school library. I write my final physics paper next week and my brain is currently a jumbled mess.

It just can't seem to absorb anything.

Adrian smiles sympathetically at me. "You'll get it soon dude, You're practically Da Vinci."

I raise an eyebrow. "Adrian, Da Vinci was a painter."

Adrian pouts childishly. "Whatever. You're the science geek, not me."

It's true. Whilst I do fairly well in anything science or math related, Adrian is more of a hands on type of guy.

No pun intended.

I shake my head in defeat. "I think I've just got to give my head a rest."

The bell rings, signaling the end of our free period.

"Yeah. Just don't over stress yourself, bro." Adrian's pats my shoulder as we stand up from our seats.

I sling my backpack over my left shoulder and salute the librarian, who is still glaring at me by the way, as we leave the room.

"Dude I have history, catch you later?" Adrian says as we enter the busy hallway.

I nod. "I'm going to find Peaches. We both have English next."

I spot her quickly but to be fair, she's kind of hard to miss.

She's standing in front of her open locker, reading what seems to be her schedule. She tends to forget which classes we have and when quite often.

I take this as my chance to sneak up on her.

"Guess who?" I say in a deeper voice than usual with my hands covering her eyes.

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