~11~ The Promises (Part 2)

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Lucy's POV

Kagura curtseys and stands next to Juvia smiling, meaning that the eldest princesses are done.

Ever since I can remember I've been one of the youngest, following in the footsteps of the eldest, I don't have as much pressure as them, but I'm still held up to high expectations. The more they succeed, the more we have to live up to. Welp, I Guess it's my turn.

I stand up and begin, "I, Lucy Heartfilia, want to fix our justice system."

"For some reason, The justice system of Magnolia is the same as it was hundreds of years ago, it isn't right. We cannot hold our people to the same standards from years ago! These laws are unjust, and need to be changed."

"Our higher-ups are currently settled in The Central Territory, they control the law system. I trust that under my leadership, we can help change the laws, making them for the people."

"We can stop worrying about outdated laws and focus on the important ones. Traditions aren't everything, and Laws should function for the people not the ancestors.

"Laws Should Function For The People Not The Ancestors."

Levy's POV

After Lucy finishes, I stand up following her lead, "I, Levy Heartfilia, will improve our kingdoms education."

"Similar to Lucy's argument, times are changing and so should we. Our kingdom needs more innovation, and we have the resources to reach accomplish this, yet we haven't used them."

"Honestly, We all have potential, but it takes knowledge to fulfill it. Amazingly, The Horizon Territory has been researching non-stop to extend our learning, and I promise I will improve our education if it's the last thing I do."

"We All Have Potential, But It Takes Knowledge To Fulfill It."

Yukino's POV

I can barely contain myself, everyone did so well, they put me to shame. Oh, I can't stop smiling! It's my turn, control yourself Yuki! Calm down! I'm losing it.... Time to begin!

I smile brightly as I begin, "I, Yukino Heartfilia, believe our fun is an important factor of our kingdom, and should be enhanced as well."

"We need you, our people, to enjoy themselves. As this will make living in Magnolia much more enjoyable. Entertainment is notable part in our kingdom, so I believe the more festivities there are, the more we can grow. "

"Surprisingly, none of my sisters have said anything about the war directly. But, even in misery we need something to brighten our souls. The Eastern Territory is the funnest place in Magnolia, and I believe, under my rule, it can spread joy to the other parts of the kingdom."

"Even In Misery We Need Something To Brighten Our Souls"

Wendy's POV

Finally, it's my turn. Of course I'm nervous, who wouldn't be?

I take a deep breath, here goes.

I rise from my curtsey, "I, Wendy Heartfilia, hope to heal our kingdom."

Don't panic...

"Sicknesses, diseases, and pain strikes everywhere. Every kingdom, territory, land, or sea has hardships. No matter where you live, you are going to find yourself with these problems."

"I may be the Youngest Princess of Magnolia, but it is still my duty to lead you. I've made it my duty to discover new medicines, and ways to help you. I have my whole life to help you, and I swear by the soft breeze I will."

"The Forest Territory has a surplus of resources, natural and man-made. Honestly, all I want is to heal people, I can't bear to see anyone suffer. It makes me feel helpless, like I can't do anything. Pain can last for years, but if you don't do anything, it won't heal."

"Pain can last for years, but if you don't do anything, it won't heal."

Narrator's POV

Wendy curtseys and joins her sisters. They look over the silent room, wondering if they somehow messed up.

As the seconds pass, dread gathers in the girl's stomachs. Suddenly, the room erupts!

Clapping, cheering, blessings, compliments filled the room with noise.

"Wonderful!" "Spectacular!" "Splendid!" "All hail the Royal Family!" "Lovely." "Amazing!" "Beautiful looks and souls.."

The girls giggle and look over to their parents, the King is bragging all about, while the Queen blows kisses towards them.

Meldy jumps with joy, while she shouts proud cheers.

The foreign royals join the rest of the crowd, genuinely impressed.

The girls give one final curtsey, "Thank You!"


I forgot to publish this yesterday, please forgive my forgetfulness. I did get a chance to add and edit though!

See you L8R!

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