Random Headcannons i have around

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I have way too many headcannon for books that I'll never write. If i remember correctly, I have made more than 4 plots for books.

—Britain is a fan of Heathers and Dark Humor. Fight me.

—France is honhonhonhonhonhonhonhon
She asserts dominance in Britain by shoving a baguette up his ass one time. Now Brit's scared of angry France. They're married :v

—Canada runs Pornhub. Shut the fuck up. He isn't a cinnamon roll. He just acts like one

—America uses his sunglasses because he has black eyes, Yadda yada idk why it changes when i feel like it.

—America is scared of Australia whenever he has one of his hell spiders with him.

—Canada has a phobia of spiders. Poor boi.

—New Zealand has a smol bird named Kiwi.

—Australia is really into Spiders and Snakes. He has a pet snake called Noodles. And a huntsman spider called John. Idk i just chose a random name.

— Australia is friends with Brazil. The two go around scaring the fuck out of everyone with snakes and spiders or going out camping together. No gay tho. Just close friends.


—He has a pet bird. Two actually. Lesbian couple. Yes. I didn't give them names tho. They're Jendaya Conure parrots that are native to Northern Brazil.

—He also has a pet snake and pet spider. Have no idea how they didn't kill themselves yet.
A Brazilian Wandering spider. It bit America once. America never goes close to that spider anymore. He's traumatized.

—Brazil also has a boa constrictor. It's 8 ft (2.4 m) long. It's docile so you can touch and pet it :)
But it might squeeze you. Don't freak out, It's just a snake hug :)
Unless you can't breath. Then freak out.

—Brazil is close friends with Japan.

—Japan has ears and tails duh.

—She can hear your footsteps from 15 meter away. No matter how well you hide it.

—Her tail is strong and can support her weight. So she can use her tail almost like a third limb. She doesn't do it often though.

—She almost always carries around a messenger bag with her. And she has many messenger bags. Almost every color. And she uses each one for different purposes.

—Her messenger bags look like they have a infinite space inside them. It's some 4th wall shit. She carries a bunch of stuff inside but it looks like it's not even full. It's some BS.

Hahahaha what am I doing with my life

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