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January 29, 1982

Stevie wakes up first laying on her stomach her head pounding and then she looks around, she had no freaking clue where she was and her eyes gazed to her hand and she screeched when she saw the gold band on her finger and then she bolted up looking at the clock on the nightstand. It read 2 in the afternoon and then she sat up registering that she was naked. That's when she screamed and roused Lindsey. 

"Jesus close the blinds." He winces his hand coming up to cover his eyes.

"What the hell happened last night, and who the Fuck are you? Where are we?" Stevie spews her head pounding very foggy memories trying to surface.

"Well, that's a hell of a wake-up...My name is Lindsey Buckingham, and I don't know...what happened last night but hey I woke up with Stevie Nicks in my bed, I must've been lucky to end up getting lucky with Stevie Nicks." He points to her boobs and then she gasps yanking the covers from him and wrapping them around her body. Then gasping even more seeing his length before shoving the pillow she had been sleeping on over it. 

"Look at your left hand." She winces.

He picks his left hand up, he was laying on his back, and his eyes go wide seeing the golden band on his hand.

"Did we get married last night?" Lindsey asks.

"Oh God, I'm going to be sick." She states bolting out of the bed and sprinting to what she hopes is the bathroom. 

Luckily she makes the right call and she expels the events of last night in a throat burning way and then she makes her way back into the bedroom where Lindsey had put his boxers back on and was sitting on the couch in the suite staring at a piece of paper. 

"What is that?" She asks wincing when she sees her black lace thong on the chandelier above the bed. 

She crawls up onto the bed and she plucks them down and slides them on grabbing at her leotard. 

"This is our marriage License. Mrs. Stephanie Buckingham....how the fuck did I manage to get that thing off of you?" He states as she pulls her leotard on.   

"Please tell me I didn't change my name?" She asks.

"Well, the license says Nicks, and this certificate says Nicks-Buckingham so I don't know what your last name is." Lindsey states.

"Fuck...what were we thinking?" She asks plopping down on the bed.

"Well, I'm assuming that I was thinking what a way to get my celebrity crush to marry me." He states digging in his leather jacket that was gracefully thrown over the arm of the couch. 

"What are you looking for?" She asks.

"I always carry aspirin with me." He states pulling it out and popping a pill swallowing it dry.

Stevie winces again and she simply holds her left hand out. He places two pills in her hand and she goes to the bathroom and takes it before returning to the bedroom and finding her skirt and boots.

"Get dressed, we have to talk about this somehow and despite being sick to my stomach...we need to eat, soak up some of that leftover alcohol." She groans.


They're drinking coffee in one of the restaurants waiting for their food when Stevie clears her throat.

"So, celebrity crush?" 

"Are you kidding, I love your music. It's like a perfect mixture of Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. Like who is your guitarist?" 

"Waddy Wachtel. But I appreciate the Joplin comment. I got to meet her right before she died, she was so sweet." Stevie smiles. 

"So we're married...what are we going to do?" Lindsey asks.

"We're going to get a divorce." She states.

"Oh," Lindsey says almost dejectedly. 

She just gives him a look and he sighs getting ready to explain himself. 

"I've been trying to get in touch with your management team for months now. There's this little girl, well I guess she's not little. Her name is Bella. She's fourteen and she's a huge fan. She's dying like she's got six months left and her make a wish and Buckaroo wish is to meet you, but your team hasn't budged saying that you don't do shit like that. Something about painful memories. I was hoping that since we're well, married that I could talk to you personally and see if I could get you to do it." Lindsey shrugs looking down at his mug.

"And when did you think of it, when we were getting married last night?" She points over her shoulder.

"While you were throwing your guts up. Next time shut the door." He states as their food comes to them. Stevie just getting some fruit and toast, Lindsey getting an omelet. He was hungover but it was clear that he wasn't as hungover as she was. 

"The reason that I don't do things like that is that my best friend died of Leukemia last year. But tell you what, if we divorce in peace and we do it quickly. I'll meet this little girl." Stevie states biting into the toast.

"Okay, so what now?" Lindsey asks.

"Lindsey last night was a mistake. If what the tabloids say about you is true I don't really want to associate with you." Stevie rolls her eyes.

"What do the tabloids say about me?" Lindsey gets a hurt look on his face and Stevie falters slightly.

"Well I haven't actually read them, but my friend Sharon claims that despite starting this little Buckaroo charity you're a bad boy playboy type and I don't do players." She states.

"Right, because players only love you when they're playing." He purses his lips.

"Don't quote me." She growls.

"Well it's just junk I'm not any of that." He states.

"Oh is that true...how many girlfriends have you had?" 

He pauses for a moment and counts on his fingers. "Four. Sally was in High School, then it was Katherine in college, then once I got the money it was Carol Ann Harris that actress chick. And then it was Cheri Caspari a model." Lindsey explains.

"And how long did you date each of them?" 

"Sally was Freshman year until my first year of College so five years. Katherine was two years, Carol was six years, Cheri was six months." Lindsey explains.

"And how long between girlfriends?" 

"six months between Sally and Katherine.  two weeks between Katherine and Carol and then eight months between Carol and Cheri...I'm not a playboy." He shakes his head.

"Why don't I believe you." She crosses her arms. 

"I don't know but I'm not." He shakes his head.

"Okay, but let's take into account that you married me two weeks after I broke up with Don Henley." 

"It had to have been a two-way street." Lindsey pouts.

"Well, this can't happen. I'm sorry Lindsey but we will be getting a divorce." She states.

He just nods and calls the waiter over. He pays the bill and the tip and then he places the spare key in front of Stevie. He then writes on the paper napkin, a phone number, and then he walks away from her. 

She rolls her eyes but finishes her food and then makes her way back up to the suite. She tries her key in the lock and it doesn't work so she goes down to reception. 

"I'm sorry but Mr. Buckingham has checked out so we deactivated the keys we didn't think you were still here. I can reactivate it for you, but you'll have to pay for more nights." The concierge states.

"No, it's fine...is there a number I can call to get a car...and a plane ticket?" She asks.

"He nods and hands her the phone and a couple of numbers on a booklet and she sighs dialing away. 

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