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March 3, 1991

"So Steves, tonight you're singing with us." Bob Dylan comes up next to her as they're back in the green room getting ready to perform. 

"I'm what?" She asks a grape halfway to her mouth.

"You sing with Tom every night, but you don't sing with me, and tonight you're singing with us when we sing knockin' on Heavens Door," Bob explains. 

"You realize, I'm fourteen weeks pregnant, substantially showing and it's even hard for me to sing my song with Tom right." She points out.

"You'll be fine. I have faith in you." Tom comes up and pats her stomach. 


As soon as Stevie breaks in on the chorus of Knockin on Heaven's door with a forced, because being pregnant takes the wind out of her, raspy vocal wearing a light brown dress, with her cream boots and a very oversized tan and black zigzagged poncho to hide her now expanded baby bump, it had happened on the first of the month, she felt right at home, standing between Tom Petty and Bob Dylan, some of her best friends. 

And as they were sitting in Tom's hotel room after the show, Michael Campbell, his guitar player starts playing a riff and Stevie just starts and Tom knowing what she's doing, starts writing down the words that are coming out of her mouth. 

I saw him the other day
I saw him again yesterday
I wonder if I'll ever see him again
He reminded me of Blue Denim

Blue-gray eyes they change with the color
Change with the sun they run with the sight
They change with the wind but they're always bright
Bright eyes Blue Denim
Bright eyes Blue Denim

I knew him another way

I knew him another day

In some ways he'd forgotten me
In many ways he got to me
I turned away so he couldn't see
I turned away it could never be
I never thought he could walk away
But I lost him again yesterday

Understanding me understanding you
Is not an easy thing to do
Understanding me and understanding you
Is not an easy thing to doAnd I will never forget
The last time I saw you
Like a photograph so rare
Like a painting

No I will never forget
The last time I saw you
Never to be not you not me
No no

So I'm going away for a little while

To remember how to feel
And if I find the answer
I promise you I'll come back and get you
I'll come back and get you
I'll come back and get you

"That's good Steves." Tom holds up the notepad while Mike and Stevie stop simultaneously. 

"What's it about?" Bob asks wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Well, I mean. My husband's blue denim eyes for one thing because Lindsey has the most gorgeous blue eyes and sadly, Elayna doesn't have them but I really want this one too." She places her hands on her stomach. "But then it's about life. The only reason I came out here was because my kid is having a hard time adjusting to the prospect of a new sibling and she's told me she hates me for even bringing another baby into the household so I just needed to go away. But as I was singing with you guys tonight, it made me realize just how much I've missed performing. This baby is coming in September...but I think, I think I'm going to go in and I'm going to record a new album." Stevie smiles.

"Well, I mean, you're your own person you can do whatever the hell you want, but I think your fans have waited long enough to hear a new album from you." Bob grins. 


Back at home, Lindsey was sleeping in the master, and all of a sudden he felt some little feet crawl into his bed. He startled awake and saw Elayna sitting on her mom's side of the bed in her little pink nightgown and she was on her knees, bouncing lightly her lip wobbling and tears in her eyes. 

"Elayna what's wrong?" Lindsey yawns sitting up and pulling her into his arms.

"When is mommy coming home?" She sniffles. 

"Oh honey, not for a few more weeks, why what's wrong?" Lindsey questions holding his daughter close. 

"I just want mommy is all." She replies.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry. She'll be home in about two weeks okay? But is there something else I can help you with?" Lindsey asks.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks.

Lindsey blows out a breath of air but he nods. "Yeah, you can sleep with me." 

She sniffles, but she crawls off of him and she makes herself comfortable where her mother usually sleeps, under Lindsey's arm with her head on his chest. 

"I miss Mommy." She mumbles.

"I know bug, I miss her too." Lindsey nods kissing her head and cuddling her close before they both drift off into sleep. 

The next morning, Lindsey's getting ready to leave when he notices Elayna still sitting at the island picking at her cereal still in her pajamas.

"Elayna, you're a big girl you know how to get dressed, we have to be out of the door in five minutes and you're still not dressed, and you're not eating. What's the matter?" Lindsey asks.

"I just don't want to go to school." She states sadly into her bowl.

"Are you not feeling good?" Lindsey asks pressing his hand to her forehead.

"I feel fine, I just don't wanna go to school." She pouts.

"Layna, you love school. What's going on?" He asks.

"I just don't wanna go. Don't make me go daddy." She begs.

He huffs and checks his watch. "Alright Elayna Belle, but this is the one and only pass. I'll stay home with you today but that is it." Lindsey scolds.

It was almost instantly when she perked up and started eating her breakfast. Lindsey just rolled his eyes and then he turned to the phone that was on the wall in the kitchen and he dialed the school's number to tell them she wouldn't be in and that's when Lindsey starts to wonder about what's going on at the school, that she's not telling him. 

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