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May 10, 1982

Stevie whined when the phone rang the following morning, she was naked on top of Lindsey, they were each covering the other's private parts and she just buried her face into his neck. After dinner, they had watched a movie and then they found themselves wrapped up with each other, He was sitting upright on the couch and she had her head on his lap and then they ended up making out on the couch, and at one point they had sex on the couch before they moved to the bedroom and then to the shower, and then back to the bedroom leading to now.

"Should I answer it?" Lindsey questions rubbing her back.

"No, it's probably the lawyers, let it ring the machine'll pick it up." She starts peering at the alarm clock on the side of the bed before turning her head and sucking on his neck. 

"Well aren't you Mrs. Fancy, you have an answering machine." He smiles kissing her head.

"Mmm, if I'm Mrs. Fancy, then you're Mr. Fancy." She replies.

"Hah, well I do have to get up and go to work," Lindsey tells her.

"And leave me here all by myself?" 

"Hope's here." Lindsey states as the dog peeks her head up and places her paws on the foot of the bed.

"Fine, take her out and then get in your shower, I'm going to go back to sleep," Stevie replies rolling off of him, taking the blanket with her. 


Lindsey had been at work for a couple of hours and Stevie was sitting on the edge of the couch her thumb in her mouth. She had just gotten a call from her management team reminding her that she had signed a contract so it meant that she had to go into the studio and start recording when she saw Lindsey's guitar by the fireplace. She didn't know he played until he moved in with her, and the first night that he had officially lived with her, Saturday night, he played the most gorgeous melody over and over again. She got up, straightened out her blue floral dress, and picked the chunk of wood up. And she started to strum. She doesn't know how to play very much on the guitar but she does know some things so she was able to pick it up and start strumming. 

One so young so changed
Should not be left alone
Two in love should confess
And not be left alone

I will run to you
Down whatever road you choose
I will follow you down
I will run to you

You've had time come around
Will you please make up your mind
I stand accused on trial
Will you please make up your mind

I will run to you
Down whatever road you choose
I will follow you down
I will run to you

Make it easy for me
I been lonely baby
Show some mercy honey
I was nothing
All those lonely nights
Showed me something
If you need me
I'll come runnin'

I will run to you
Down whatever road you choose
I will follow you down
I will run to you

She didn't know what it was that she exactly was writing about, but she knows it's about Lindsey, and when Hope tries to grab her attention with the toy she smiles and sets the guitar aside and starts playing with Hope. 

As Lindsey's walking through the door, Stevie is setting the table and he walks over giving her a kiss.

"What's this?" He asks grabbing at the lid of the pot and then swearing and dropping it onto the floor when it burns him.

"Pot Roast, I just took it out of the oven, go run some cold water on that." She points to the kitchen.

When he returns to the dining room she has the food ready and Lindsey takes his spot at the head of the table, she falls to his right and smiles at him before helping herself to the food.

"How was work?" She questions.

"It was long, I always hate knowing that one of my kids passed away." Lindsey shrugs.

"Gee honey, I'm sorry...Hey, I have to tell you something, my management team called me today." Stevie sighs.

"And?" Lindsey inquires.

"I'm going to have to start going in and doing some press for my new album," Stevie explains. 

"I understand Steph, trust me I do." Lindsey nods.

"I just wanted to let you know that there are times when I might not be home until late and I don't want you to think that I'm like...cheating on your or anything." Stevie shakes her head biting into a piece of the pot roast. 

"Stevie, I know that you have to go to work. I understand. Your job is very unique and I respect that." Lindsey urges.

"Dammit," Stevie sighs.


"I caught a good one and I wasn't even trying." She smiles at her mashed potatoes.

"Lindsey just pushes out of his chair and stands up. He goes behind her chair and wraps his arms around her and kisses her head. 

Sex does something to a person and yes, they've been married for three months, and they've really only been living with each other for two weeks. And in those two weeks, they've had a lot of great sex and their brains had chemically shifted. They didn't care that they were still kind of strangers they just had the urge to be with each other, holding each other, touching each other, kissing each other. 

When he returns to his seat Stevie looks up and gives him a small smile and then they go back to their meal, their dog begging for her food from under the table next to Stevie's legs. 

"Was it the lawyers on the answering machine?" 

"It was...I'm surprised we haven't been bombarded by our people yet." Stevie chuckles.

"Let's just relish in it while we can." Lindsey grins as Stevie leans over and kisses him sweetly. 

She was falling in love with him, but she was still so unsure if he felt the same way that she was feeling. But there was that part of her that was hoping that he felt the same way. Because she didn't want to go back to a life without him in it.

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