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August 19, 2005

Elayna was 22, Evy Lynn was 14.  It was amazing how quickly time flew by but it was an inevitable thing. It was around noon and Evangeline had finally crawled out of bed and she made her way downstairs. They were living in the Pacific Palisades and as Evangeline made her way down the winding staircase she saw her father with his salt and pepper hair some scruff on his chin, not much to be extremely noticeable but a decent five o'clock shadow, pacing, and grumbling. 

"Morning Daddy." The fourteen-year-old with blonde hair and beautiful blue denim eyes says to her father.

"Morning, it hasn't been morning for an hour." He states.

"Alright, I'm going to go find mom." She sighs making her way towards the kitchen. Where Stevie was putting the dishes from the night prior away. 

"What's with dad?" She questions as Stevie perks up and turns to her. At 57 her mother was gorgeous sleek blonde hair and matching eyes to her oldest daughter as gratefully Evangeline had Lindsey's eyes. 

"Oh don't worry about him, he's just grumbly because your sister is bringing a friend and their family home with her...I think she's introducing us to a boyfriend, he thinks that she's bringing some drug-dependent delinquent home." Stevie shrugs putting a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her.

"These are cold." Evangeline pouts biting into her egg.

"Had you been down here two hours ago when I crawled my ass out of bed and started cooking them they wouldn't be," Stevie smirks walking around the island and kissing her daughter's head. 

Lindsey came stomping into the kitchen and Stevie placed a sandwich in front of him. Evangeline didn't know how but it always seemed like her mother knew what they wanted and when they were going to want it.  

"I knew we shouldn't have let her move to San Francisco." Lindsey states.

"Lindsey you were born and raised there. I went to my senior year of high school there. We know where she's at and Jeff and Daryl keep an eye on her. She's fine. She' twenty-two now, she's not two anymore." Stevie shakes her head.

"I wish she was two." He grumbles. 

"But honey, then we wouldn't have Evy Lynn." Stevie points out. 

"Fine...eight." He growls. 

"Just relax, it'll all be okay. I promise you." Stevie kisses him and Evangeline makes a noise of disgust. 

"If you think that's gross...we had sex last night." Lindsey states. 

"LINDSEY." Stevie scolds.

"Oh, you two are awful..." Evangeline whines.

"What we did. And it was amazing." He smirks. 

"Gross, you two disgust me." She bites into her bacon.

"I wasn't the one that said it." Stevie slides some Orange Juice to her. 

Evangeline just rolls her eyes and drinks her juice. 

Stevie had finished the dishes and she was loomed up against the counter reading a magazine. Evangeline was texting her friends and Lindsey was finishing his lunch when they heard the door open. Lindsey about shot up out of his chair and Stevie just laid her hand on his bicep and shook her head.

"HONEY WE'RE IN THE KITCHEN!" Stevie calls. 

They wait patiently before Elayna, a young man, and two older people walk into the kitchen. 

"Hey mom, dad...I'd like you to meet my Fiance Jasper McClaren."

"Fiance? I've never met this boy." Lindsey looks him up and down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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