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June 10, 1983

She hated this stage of pregnancy. At 37 weeks, she was miserable, she could barely breathe-it was to be expected as she had something the size of a coconut growing inside of her- and her baby was ornery. Stevie would lean up against the counter, The baby wouldn't like it and start pushing on her mother to get off of it. The baby refused to let her mother sleep, which wouldn't have mattered because Stevie's generally a night owl too but she's so tired from the pregnancy that just walking down the stairs takes a lot out of her. Not to mention she's what's considered full-term and she could go into labor anytime, though her due date is July 5th. And she had started having Braxton Hicks.  But she was sitting up straight on the master bed, her legs crossed in the Indian position and she was on the telephone. Jenny perched on a chair in the master bedroom. 

"We're on the air with Stevie Nicks, how are you?" The Radio DJ she's telephoning with asks.

"I'm...well I'm...currently not entirely well, so I'm having a hard time breathing but I'm overall doing well," Stevie explains

"Oh, what's wrong? A respiratory infection?" 

"Kinda...yeah, and I have asthma on top of that so..." Stevie starts her hand firmly pressing on the top of her stomach. The baby had flipped, so she was head down getting ready for birth but she was throwing what felt like a fit because her tiny baby feet were hammering into her mother's ribs and the top of her stomach and the firm pressure Stevie was giving back was, her trying to indirectly tell her child to stop and behave.  

"So the album's out today what can you tell us about this album?" 

"Well the Wild Heart, it was like...a complete and total shift from my first four albums. This album came from...it came from my wild heart, in the sense that I started a new phase of life. I got married. And this album reflects that. I will run to you, which I did with Tom Petty, Beauty and the Beast, If anyone falls, they're all about my husband. And it's...it's the start of a new chapter in my life." She had yet to tell the world about her baby, save for Calliope and her family, but the more she kept it hidden, the more she was excited about it. It meant that she could get away with trying to raise her family in a semi-normal way. 

"You got married very fast, which I think confused a lot of people because up until two weeks prior you and Don Henley were a couple." 

"Well, Don and I...we were a couple, yes but we were only like a half couple. We were great when we were together but when we were apart, like if he was on tour or if I was on tour we weren't and Lindsey and I had met a party and I just...I felt something different with him. Lindsey and I had fun together and I was happiest when I was with him, we had known each other for a little bit before that and after I broke up with Don, we just looked at each other and said essentially...what the hell, what could go wrong." Stevie looks at Jenny who just gives her a thumbs up. 

"And you're marriage is going strong what a year later?" 

"A year and five months yeah. It's great. We are the happiest we've been and We're...we're excited for the next stage of our life. Being together and making a living." Stevie caresses her stomach gently a complete difference from when she was angry shoving her daughter's feet back. 

"Children in the near future?" He asks

Stevie stops her eyes going wide, "Well, um...maybe. We're not by any means trying for a baby but I think if it happens it happens." 

Jenny has to stifle a laugh because Stevie's belly is literally on display at the moment. She's just sitting there in her bra and panties because she was hot...so hot that the only way she was comfortable was sitting there in her traffic cone yellow lace bra and her black, sheer, panties. 

"So are you touring for this album, putting music videos out?" 

"Absolutely but not for a while. My first music video is coming out in August for Stand Back, and then I'm going out in September. I did it this way because Lindsey has some time coming up at work and we want to spend it together maybe go on vacation, to get away from the world and just be our own little family so that's why I did it that way." 

"So tell me about Stand Back." 

"Stand Back...it's funny actually. My husband and I didn't go on a honeymoon right after we got married. We had to wait because of my commitments with Mirage at the time, but when we did go on our honeymoon, we went to Italy stayed at a gorgeous pink hotel called the Palazzo Sasso.  And we were driving to the airport and Prince's Little Red Corvette came on the radio and I made Lindsey pull over and I had paper and pen in the car so I just wrote to Little Red Corvette and as we were in the airport, I bought a tape recorder and recorded it while we waited for our flight. And Lindsey's like...you can't...you can't do that because it's already a song and I'm like watch me. And I did it. I called Prince when we were back stateside and when I went in to record after the Mirage tour, he did, he showed up and played on it and said I like it." Stevie explains stiffening a little bit as the baby shifted within her and decided to stretch out to her full length. And she not only felt something against her ribs but also her cervix.  

"Well it really is a great, song The Wild Heart is out now, this is Stevie Nicks' new single Stand Back." 

Once Stevie hangs up the phone she places both of her hands on her stomach and sighs. 

"Baby girl, what is your problem today?" Stevie asks.

"When are you due again?" Jenny asks.

"July 5th, but something is telling me that we're going to be waiting for a little while. " Stevie shakes her head.

"When do you think she'll be here?" 

"Not sure. I know it'll be after the fourth and I know it'll be before the fifteenth." Stevie shrugs. 

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