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4 years later

February 13, 1991

The prospect of Divorce hadn't even been thought of but the four years that Stevie's been home have done more harm than good. Fighting had become their hobby. And it was for stupid shit too but the good thing was, is that they kept it from their child. Elayna had no concept of her parent's marital problems. She was seven years old, almost eight and she was just living life. She was coming into her own as a gorgeous petite blonde wavy-haired girl with amazing brown eyes just like her mother. 

Elayna was at school, Lindsey was at work and Stevie was home alone with Hope and their new dog, Luna, a Yorkie that they had bred. As it was one of Stevie's dreams to own a Yorkie. She didn't know why, she was uncomfortable but she was, as she laid on her stomach in the master bedroom with Lori who was just gnawing on her lip in the corner in a chair.

"Oh come on what is the problem?" Stevie asks her sister in law shifting slightly but it didn't help she was still uncomfortable. Lori and Christopher had gotten married in 1989 after the Whole Lotta Trouble Tour. 

"I need moral support but I just don't know how to say it." Lori shakes her head.

"Spit it out." 

"I think I'm pregnant but I'm not sure and I'm too scared to take this test." She holds up the grocery bag in her hand.

Stevie cocks her head to the side and bites on her own lip. There was no possible way that she could be pregnant unless Christmas Eve had a say. That was the last time she and Lindsey had sex and it was because she had gotten drunk on mulled cider and he looked really sexy in the glow of the firelight as he played a sexy Santa, laying out the presents for Elayna.

"How many do you have?" She asks.

"Four." She states.

"Alright, so we'll just take them together. I'll take one you'll take two. I'm not pregnant but if it'll make you feel better I'll do it with you." Stevie nods.

The pregnancy tests they were taking were so different than the one that she took in the 80s and it kind of freaked her out, but they went into separate bathrooms and did their business and they met back up in Stevie and Lindsey's bedroom.

"We have to wait for twenty minutes." Lori sighs.

"Great, wanna play checkers?" Stevie points to the board on the floor in front of the fireplace in their master. Lindsey and Elayna had been playing it the night before as Stevie read quietly in bed. Just taking in the father-daughter relationship the two of them had. 

Lori nodded. Once they completed the game they went back and looked at their respective pregnancy tests and Stevie sunk down on the bed her mouth in an o shape just staring at the piece of plastic.

"I'M PREGNANT!" Lori cheers and then she sees Stevie's face and she looks at her. 

"What, what's wrong?" 

"So am I." Stevie gulps looking up at Lori.

"You're kidding?" 

"Two lines." She holds it out to Lori. 

"But you said..." She starts.

"I know, Lindsey and I haven't been trying for a baby...I mean, he wanted to try when Elayna was one, but I didn't and then I wanted to try when she was five and he didn't and since then we haven't even discussed it because when we do, we fight. But on Christmas Eve he looked so sexy and I was slightly drunk so what's next." Stevie explained. 

"So is this a good thing?" Lori asks.

"I don't know...I need to...I need to take the second test." Stevie pleads.

"Of Course." Lori nods handing her the fourth test she had bought. 

The results pointed to the same thing as the first one and Stevie just shakes her head.

"I haven't had any symptoms. No puking, no fatigue. I mean, my breasts are a little bigger and I've gained a little bit of weight, but I just thought that it was old age...I'm 43." She shakes her head.

"And I'm 40...what's the big deal? I've been puking my guts up, but I can't stop eating so you're lucky." Lori tries to reason.

"I'm just...I'm in shock is all." Stevie shakes her head as a throat is cleared in the doorway and she whips around to see Lindsey.

"Shocked about what?" He asks.

"Um, uh...where's Elayna?" She asks.

"She's getting ready for dance class. I came to tell you that I had picked up a pizza for dinner. I noticed that you didn't take anything out when I came home for lunch." Lindsey explains.

"Okay, that's fine...um, c-come here." Stevie motions with her finger.

"What?" Lindsey asks going to sit next to her on the bed. 

She just holds the sticks out to him. "What's this?" 

"I um...I peed on it, and it's um... it's supposed to tell us something." She gulps.

"Why did you hand me a stick covered in piss?" Lindsey wrinkles his nose but he doesn't set it down.

"Look at it Lindsey, what do you see?" She asks.

"I see two lines." He explains.

"Look at the box." She grabs it off the nightstand. 

Lindsey looks at the pink box and takes it in and then his eyes go wide and he looks at Stevie. 


"I took those about a half an hour ago. Lori took some too...Lori's pregnant and the only reason I was taking them was for moral support. I didn't...I haven't...I didn't know." She shakes her head.

"Didn't, haven't what?" He asks.

"Remember how I had that ovarian cyst in January?" She asks.

"I do." He nods.

"When I get ovarian cysts I don't have periods. Because it's a hormonal imbalance thing. And I'm supposed to be getting my period next week so I haven't...I haven't had an inkling. I haven't even thrown up, I'm not overly tired and I threw up a lot when I was pregnant with Elayna and I'd crash so hard after my recording sessions." She shakes her head.

"How are you feeling?" Lindsey sighs looking at her.

"I'm just...I don't know how to feel about it. Are you...are you happy?" Stevie asks.

He just smiles and grabs her cheeks placing his forehead against hers.

"We weren't trying. We had our reasons not to try. One night, there was only one night that we didn't use protection. We didn't try for Elayna either but look how good that turned out right?" He asks.

"So you're happy?" She sniffles.

"I'm thrilled, baby." Lindsey kisses her and pulls her into his chest and she just starts crying. 

He squeezes her tightly and rubs her back as she sobs into his chest. He shushes her and Lori swoons at the two of them.

"I'll go take care of Elayna and I'll take her to dance, spend some time together okay?" Lori asks.

"Thank you, I'll pick her up after class." Lindsey smiles at her. 

"No, I'll bring her home. It'll give me some time to figure out how to tell Chris." Lori states.

It was then that Stevie's cries turned into a dirty giggle and she pulled away from Lindsey and dried her eyes. 

"We're pregnant at the same time." 

"It's exciting." Lori goes over and hugs Stevie and Lindsey before going to retrieve her niece. 

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