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May 6, 1982

Bella's funeral was a little over a week from her death and Stevie had stuck to Lindsey like glue. For seven days straight they took turns spending the night at each other houses. The day after Stevie and Lindsey made love in his condo he packed a bag and then they went to her house, and then the following day, vice versa, she packed a bag and they went to his house. Because it was the spring Bella's family had decided that they were going to have the service outside and as they were walking up to where the people were gathered Stevie felt herself latch onto Lindsey's arm. She was dressed very sophisticatedly in a black riding jacket and a pair of black bell-bottoms paired with her black wedges. It was different than what she normally wore but she wanted to look decent for the service. 

She briefly separated from Lindsey to hug Bella's parents and when she pulled away Bella's mother sniffled. 

"Lindsey promised her that he'd get you to come, and she was so looking forward to it. I think that when you finally got there, she knew that it was okay for her to go and I am so glad that you were there to make her last day special." Bella's mom smiled.

"Me too." Stevie gives a sad smile. 

Though she'll never admit it going to Bella's funeral was cathartic to her because in a way it made her feel like she was burying her own baby instead of shipping it off to medical waste. And it felt good to be able to latch onto a strong man as she cried because she did cry. She cried remembering her best friend Robin's funeral, she cried for the loss of her baby, and she cried for sweet Bella who was just too young, too innocent, to be taken so soon. 

But as they regrouped at Stevie's house afterward she looks at Lindsey. He had been a blessing in disguise that past week and she was dreading the idea of not having him with her. He fed a primal urge within her, a nurturing urge that she knew she had because she'd do the same thing with Don, but after a while, with Don she just had enough and willed him to leave to go back on tour, but Lindsey was different there was something in her that wanted him with her twenty-four seven and it didn't seem like a good thing. 

"Lindsey," She says setting her fork and knife down. He had grilled some mouth-watering steaks and corn on the cob-she didn't think you could grill corn on the cob but he did and it was so buttery and delicious-for them 

"Hm?" He asks taking a sip of his water. 

"I don't...I...oh god, I can't believe I'm saying this." She sighs.

"What?" He asks

"I don't want to get a divorce. I know we're meeting with our lawyers on Monday but I just don't...I know that I'm the one that originally said that I wanted a divorce and the whole thing was a mistake but we've been married for three months and in those three months I've maybe seen you a total of a week and a half and I've realized that I can't fairly judge you without getting to know you." She tells him.

"So what are you trying to say?" He asks.

"Let's give it one year. We got married on January 29, 1982 If we want to separate on January 29, 1983, we separate but Lindsey...I want to. I want to give this a shot. I mean even though I was so totally drunk I wouldn't have agreed to something like this if deep down I meant it." She shakes her head.

"How do we do we do it though?" Lindsey asks.

"Well...do you own your condo?" 

"I do. It's a condo...you own condos." He narrows his eyes.

"Don't sell it, keep it but like get covers for the furniture and just pack up your important things and move in here to my house. Make this piece of property feel like an actual home with me. Let's get a dog and let's be a married couple and get to know each other." Stevie reaches over and grasps his hand. "Please Lindsey." 

Lindsey takes that moment and looks at her. He was a massive Stevie Nicks fan. He owned all of her records-though it was only four-and he did have a major crush on her and that's why he approached her in the club. He doesn't remember what prompted him to ask if she wanted to get married in Vegas, hell he doesn't even remember how they chose to go to Vegas in the first place, but when he woke up with her next to him in all her naked glory his heart leaped out of his chest and he felt like the unpopular schoolboy that got to end up dating the head cheerleader so without hesitation, he leans over and kisses her. 

"Is that a yes?" She asks 

"Sure let's do it...but I'm not too sure about the dog thing." He wrinkles his nose.

"Lindsey, we're getting a dog. I've been scouring shelters since before I met you, it's just a matter of when I find the perfect dog." Stevie shrugs.

"Alright, well. Today is Friday what are you doing tomorrow?" He questions.

"Sleeping, writing, cooking, cleaning, laundry. What are you doing?" 

"I'm going to work and you are coming with me." He taps her nose. 

"I am, am I?" She leans back and crosses her arms.

"I want you to meet everybody and I want you to see what I do. And not to mention, you want to get to know me and I figure the best way to do that is to come to the office with me." He cuts back into his steak.

"You actually have an office?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well, what do you think I do, run everything from my living room?" 

"Kinda." She shrugs going back to her meal.

"Okay, if you're adamant about getting a dog, let's at least get a decent-sized dog not some like mini ankle-biter thing." Lindsey shakes his head.

Stevie just grins and throws her arms around him from her spot at the kitchen table.  

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