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The next morning Louis wakes alone in bed, he's sore and feels so many emotions. Last night still feels surreal to Louis. He is embarrassed, feels dirty and doesn't know how he's expected to show his face in school again. He feels so stupid and he also needs to address the fact that the boys own the club and never told him about it. He needs answers and he needs them now.

He gets up out of bed shakily and proceeds to vomit in the bathroom sink just in time. It hurts so bad and his side and ribs ache badly.

He wants to shower but he can't manage on his own, but not even two minutes later Harry is walking in, seeing Louis just finishing throwing up in the sink.

"Hey darling, no you can't get out of bed alone" Harry says as he rushes to Louis side.

"I feel sick" Louis says.

"Oh bub, it's okay, let's clean you up" Harry says.

"I need a shower" Louis says.

"Let me help you okay" Harry says.

Harry strips Louis to his boxers and he gets in his as well and Harry showers Louis slowly. No words are spoken and Harry just supports Louis, he washes his hair and helps brush his teeth and wash him as best as he can.

Harry turns around while Louis changes into his boxer shorts and then Harry helps him dress in sweats and a sweater.

Louis sits down on his bed wordlessly as he watches Harry clean up his dirty clothes.

"The boys are ready to talk when you are" Harry says.

Louis sighs.

"K" Louis says.

Harry nods and carries Louis down the stairs to the lounge where the boys are. There is a blanket set up and Harry places Louis underneath and snuggles him up. He then takes a seat next to Scott opposite Louis.

No one says a word for a good few minutes

"Am I in trouble?" Louis asks quietly

The boys all sigh.

"Kid, we are fucking thankful we found you when we did, but yes you're in trouble for sneaking into SNITCH but we have no idea what even happened" Scott says gently.

"Lou, we are going to need you to tell us what happened, what's been going on with you" Edward says

"We need you to be honest, kiddo" Drew says

"Like you guys were, I know SNITCH is your club now" Louis says.

"We will explain all that, but we need you to start talking... please" Harry says.

Louis sighs and plays with his blanket, he knows he has to open up to the boys, if he is honest with them hopefully they will be honest with him and to be truthful, Louis can't handle this on his own and needs the boys right now.

"Rhys....Rhys was" Louis starts and he gets choked he stops

"What sweetheart, please trust us" Drew says.

A tear makes its way down Louis face

"Rhys was hurting me....he...slapped me, I didn't get that injury from skipping class like I told you, it was Rhys....he's been beating me and saying that it's for my own good, that....that he would make me a better boy...boyfriend. He beat me up last Friday in the bathroom at the pizza shop, I left and came home because I was hurt and I was too scared to tell you" Louis says.

"Oh god....Louis" Scott says gently shaking his head.

"I'm sorry" Louis says.

"Don't ever apologise for what he did to you Louis" Edward says upset.

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