First Day

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The song is Better by Zayn. It has got no connection with the story but guys please do listen to it. It is LIT!! Has a vibe to it. I will be posting a song for each chapter(99% of them will be Zayn's. Yep I am a proud Zquad). Anyway enjoy the song. Thank me later!!

The picture is that of Rose :) Hope you like it!

Rose's POV:

I jolted and shot right out of my bed. My throat was dry and crystal beads of sweat clung to my forehead as I sucked in large gulps of air. Relax, it is just a dream. It is not true! A voice in my head said. It was real not just a dream! The same dream –the same place, the same surroundings and the very same person – haunted me for many years. I couldn't sleep properly at night. It has been happening ever since that night. Nobody knows about it and nobody should know. But tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I will make new friends, join back school and everything will be just about right. I found solace in this thought and went back to sleep.

The soft rays of the Sun straining against the glass peeked into my room through the curtains. It fell on my face trying to wake me up, but little did it know that I was already wide awake. I rose from my bed and from my miseries. I was kind of hoping to wash away all those memories, grief, the pain and all the sadness in the shower. But it quite did not happen. Memories tend to stay with a person and those memories either make you happy or sad. Mine chose to make me sad. I got dressed and went down to have breakfast. Waffles and berries were kept on the table with a cup of coffee. My lips pull up in a smile, appreciating the effort put in by Dave to make me smile. Just as I finished the thought, two large hands coiled around me from behind wrapping me into a big, comforting hug. I instantly knew who it was. Only one person could comfort me in such a way, only one person could wrap me in such a comforting and gentle hug. That was Dave. My dear big brother, my best friend and the only person whom I could call my family. He was the most amazing person I had ever known. He was always there for me – through my tough and my most bright days as well. Not only that, he was also the most handsome guy to ever walk the soil of this Earth. I am not saying this because he is my brother, but because it is the truth. With deep-ocean blue eyes, very fair skin, brown silky hair which turns golden in sunlight and a tall well-built body like his, clearly every girl loves him. His elegance is outstanding.

As I turned towards him, I contemplated for a second about telling him about the dream. No! A stern voice in my head reasoned. He has already been through enough. There is no point in telling him my sob story as well. 

"Hey hon. You ready for the first day of your school?"Dave said in his musical and velvety soft voice. His voice pulled me out of my train of thoughts.

I look at his face and say, "As ready as I will ever be. I mean yes, I am scared, but also excited."

At this he just smiled the kind smile he always would and told me, "Hey! Listen to me. It will be alright, I promise. Not every time things are bad. That was just a phase and it passed. Don't let your past ruin your present and future."

I just looked at him and smiled. "Why don't you think of joining college? You should definitely continue your studies; I mean you are so intelligent and talented. Don't waste it. Don't stop your studies or put them away just for me. Please do not sacrifice your future to build mine. Just think about it Dave, please."

"Fine, I will. Now off to school munchkin. Don't want to late on the first day huh?"

He was right. I really did not want to be late on my first day of school. I hugged him and was off to school.

As I drove into the parking lot of my new school, people started to stare in my direction. Nearly everyone was trying to contemplate how much rich I was seeing my car. I was riding in a black BMW M4 Coupe, which was pretty expensive.

The school was pretty good. Synique High. It has a nice ring to it. The hallways were pretty crowded with the students - there were many people. Many people introduced themselves to me as they passed by me asking, "Hey! You the new girl?"

I had Bio, English, P.E. and Calculus before lunch. The classes were pretty amazing and the teachers were also very friendly. It was at lunch that I saw him and I instantly knew he was different. He was not a human.

Raymond's POV:

It was at lunch that I saw her. As soon as I saw her I knew that I was in trouble. She was so gorgeous and beautiful, but not like the other girls of this school. They did show off in order to show that they are beautiful – like wear a lot of makeup, wear tight or short clothes and stuff. But she was not like any of them. Her beauty was being emitted naturally. She did not wear any makeup and had a simple plain jeans and a white top. I could not see her face just yet but she had long brown hair which flowed down till her waist and by the look of it, was very smooth. More than half the boys in the room were practically drooling and ogling her. I don't know why but I felt angry at them. She turned her face and looked in my direction and that is when I realized why they were staring at her. She was tall and lean and fair like - very fair. But that was not pulled me towards her. It was her eyes. She had the deepest set of green eyes and they were filled with childlike innocence and joy. There was a twinkle in her eyes.

She saw me and her lips curled up into a tender and genuine smile and that is when I saw two little dimples on her face. She was naturally gorgeous but did not have the attitude about it. She was coming in my direction and I straightened up into a more decent posture.

"Hi! I am new to this school and I don't really have any friends over here. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Her voice was like honey – smooth, silky and sweet. Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I said, "Oh! Ya sure. My name is Raymond by the way."

She took a seat and said, "Oh! My name is Rose McKanner."

McKanner? How is that possible. Is she one of them? But she doesn't look like them at all. I looked perplexed and looked at her with wide – eyes and asked, "Wait a minute. Your surname is McKanner! How is that possible?"

She looked at me calmly and said, "Yes. My surname is McKanner. And it is possible because...I don't know. You should ask my ancestors. Oh! By the way, don't you have a surname?"

I laughed at her question. Shaking my head I said, "Of course I have surname. Ok, my complete name is Raymond William Stratford and before you ask I am originally from Synique itself and so is my whole family."

"But I wasn't planning on asking it. Nope, wasn't even thinking it. This town is really nice by the way. Oh, since you did say you are originally from here I do have a question. Just out of curiosity, so if you would answer it, it would be really nice."

"Oh sure."

"So, what is with the name of this town? I mean 'Synique' sounds pretty uncommon even for the name of a city. So like, is it based on some mythology or history, perhaps a king or emperor?"

"Okay well, that was not the question I expected but let me answer that."

Just as I said this students began rising from their chairs, which signaled for the end of the break. I just sighed and said, "Well, apparently not today. Let us talk about it tomorrow. Hope we do have some classes together."

We said our goodbyes and I went to my locker and took my books.

I had a feeling about this girl. It was not just that I was attracted to her, I also felt that she was...well strange. A bit too cheerful and from my experience people who are too cheerful usually have dark backgrounds. Also she didn't seem human. I mean she did have blood in her, but the scent was not like that of a human.  Guess I just have to find out all about her myself – who she was, where was she from and stuff.

I will find out what you are hiding Rose McKanner.

(A/N): OMG! Who is Rose? And what did he mean by 'the scent'. Was the dream real? If yes who was the guy in the dream?

Keep reading to find out!! Also please vote and comment!

Please tell me if you like the song or not as well.

Thank you!!! Happy reading!! :) :)

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