Peace and Pain

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Today's song is Back to Life by Zayn. This dude is just... I don't even know what to say. He literally deserves a Grammy(my opinion)! Every single track from this album(Icarus Falls) hits different. The production is different for each of them and his voice sounds so different in each of them. Like, how does he do it??? Anyway the song is amaZayn!!! Production, instrumentation, vocals...all on point. Enjoy. Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

Sunday morning arrived and the whole house was preparing for the day's picnic. I was preparing the sandwiches with Drake while Lily and Dave were icing the cake we had all made yesterday. Evan and Kate were arranging everything in the basket and Raymond was cutting fresh fruits. At about 2 in the afternoon our baskets were ready and after having lunch we got ready. I wore a simple white jeans and a black top. I wore my necklace on it which had a heart-shaped pendant on it. After applying light makeup I was ready to go. I was really looking forward to this picnic. As I went down I noticed that everyone were ready to go except Drake. When I went to his room I saw that he was not yet ready.

When I asked him why he said, "Are you sure I can come along? I mean I haven't fed in a long time, so I don't wanna cause any problem."

"Just get ready and come down hon. Nothing will happen. Trust me."

After a bit more of persuading he finally agreed to come. After he came we all went to the river for our picnic. We started our picnic. It was quite good in the start. We all were chatting and playing games. I was sitting between Drake and Ray. Ray was constantly doing something to draw my attention. He was either holding my hand, drawing me closer to him, addressing me or most of the time, he was just give me a kiss – either on my cheek or on my lips. Whatever the hell was wrong with him?

Finally when I couldn't contain myself anymore, I asked him, "Whatever is wrong with you? Please don't tell me you are still jealous because I am close with Drake."

"Of course not. I am just doing it out of love. I mean I am making it up to you for being distant from you yesterday and day before."

"Okay..." That's sweet but I am still skeptical.

Beside me I could feel Drake struggling to maintain his composure. I knew that he was hungry and had to feed and there were just many souls over here. I looked at him and nodded. When he didn't understand, I mouthed for him to go and feed. He smiled, excused himself and went into the woods. When Dave looked at me, I nodded. He understood what I meant but the others didn't. Evan was unusually quite. I wonder what happened to him. When I tried to read his mind, I was shocked to know that I couldn't. I looked at Dave and silently communicated with him and asked, Can you try to read Evan's mind? I am not able to. Dave as well seemed shocked and when he tried even he couldn't. I told him, Ok, something is definitely wrong over here. This can only happen when we shield him and no one has such a powerful around them unless it is created by either my parents, me, Dave or Jack. Neither me nor Dave have created the shield around him. Even the idea that my parents would do it seems ridiculous, so the only person remaining is Jack. He doesn't create a shield for anyone except.... I looked at Dave and asked, Do you think Evan works for him? Because that is the only explanation for this shield. I can't predict his future, nor read his mind. Dave looked appalled. He took a quick glance at Evan and looked back at me. He was confused as hell.

Raymond sensed my worry. He asked, "Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit worried."

I pasted a smile and said, "Nothing you need to worry about."

Dave said, "He needs to know Rose."

I shot him a glare which clearly said shut up but he went on, "No seriously both he and Lily need to know."

I finally told him, "We can't and won't tell them anything unless and until we confirm it. We don't know if it's true or not."

"Clearly it is true. All the signs are there..."He trailed off and paled drastically. The next question he asked me shook me, "Where is Drake?"

My eyes widened and panic filled me. Suddenly all the air in the world seemed less for my stressed lungs. As I shot up from where I was sitting, I saw Drake come from the woods. Relief flooded me and I was so happy to see him. I went and hugged him fiercely. Before he could say anything, his head snapped back, his eyes went pitch black and he screamed a blood curling scream. At the same time Lily, Ray and Kate as well screamed as they fell to the ground. I and Dave looked at each other and nodded, we both knew that what we thought was absolutely right. We somehow managed to get Ray, Lily, Drake and Kate together. When Ray said that we missed Evan, we just shrugged. While I protected them all with my shield, Dave captured Evan in a circle. When Evan tried to step out of it, he screamed.

Dave was furious and said, "The next time you try to come out of that, I will seriously kill you. So just shut up and don't even try to do anything smart!" Saying so, his eyes started to glow. Calm down Dave, please.

That's when Ray shouted, "Why the hell are you trapping my brother like that?"

At the same moment, out of the woods came the one person whom I really didn't want to see for the rest of my life – Jack. Both I and Dave prepared ourselves to fight against him but he didn't make any move.

From behind us, Evan said two little words, "My Lord." Saying so he bowed his head. When the rest of the people heard it, they were in shock. Lily screamed in shock and grief while Ray shouted, "You traitor!" and Drake was struggling against the shield to get out, occasionally letting out loud, inhuman snarls. Kate didn't say anything but was shaking with fury.

Jack spoke in a low rumble, "My dear brother, I saved Lily as a gift for now, but it seems you got your gift earlier. I couldn't even properly give it to you, like I had originally planned. Now, it's time for your gift my dearest sister."

Saying so, he lifted his hand in the direction of the woods and as we looked in that direction, a person walked out from the woods. He was wearing a mask but I could sense that something was wrong. As he opened the mask revealing his face, I was shocked to see who it was. Dave immediately looked at me. Drake suddenly stopped struggling and went completely still. I heard Kate gasp. He had the same face and the same green eyes. He smiled the same familiar smile but there was nothing warm about it anymore. Rather it was icy cold. 

He looked at me and said, "Missed me, my darling Rose."

It was the same person whom I thought I had lost 943 years ago. He was Drake's father. He was Zane and he was back.

He was alive.

And he definitely was not the Zane I knew.

Life is going to go just great.

(A/N):Ok, what? Like what? Zane is alive this whole time? Where was he? Why has he changed so much? What are Jack's intentions? Why was Evan staying with Rose and Dave? You will get your answers very soon.

This is the end of this book, but not the end of the story. There will be a sequel, called Tame the Devil. Do read it!!

Also, how was today's song??

Vote and comment! Thank you so much.

Happy reading!!!

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