A Walk to Remember

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Today's song is Dusk till Dawn by Zayn ft Sia. I highly recommend you to listen and see the song. It is so good. Zayn has got a wide range in this song. From a raspy voice to belting out riffs in a high falsetto to the INCREDIBLE high note he did an amazing job. Also his acting is really good in this video. (Ok you guys can't hear the high note in this version, but I will be posting the version in which you can hear it and trust me you will be in AWE of it) Enjoy. Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

I and Raymond went for a walk in the nearby woods. I took him to a river which was nearby. We were walking at the shore when I said, "So after hearing the complete story you must have some questions. You can ask them if you want. I will answer except any question you ask about my identity."

"Actually I don't have any questions. I understood the whole story. But I bet you got something to say. You look worried. Is everything alright?"

"I was just thinking. I am happy for both Lily and Dave but at the same time scared. If Jack got to know that we know about Lily being alive then he won't spare her and will definitely kill her. I am surprised how he even let her live."

"Well maybe he has also inherited humanity from his mother and he is just exhibiting it."

"That my friend is impossible. Jack was, is and never will be kind towards me or Dave."

"Ok. But will you ever tell me who you really are?"

"Someday yes, but not right away. Sorry, I have trust issues."

"Oh! That's fine. So, I think you have a lot of questions about me. So you may ask them."

"Yes I do. What is that necklace that you are wearing?"

(A/N): There is a picture of the necklace

"That's a family necklace. It has my family's symbol on it. But I use it as protection against sunlight because -"

"Because sunlight burns Vampires and if exposed for a long time, they will die."

"Righto. Any other questions?"

"I got just one question about the town."

"Shoot it."

"So. Do you know who all in this town are not humans, that is who possess powers?"

"No. I really don't know anything about that. Sorry."

Bummer for me!

The sun had started to set. It was indeed a long day. The sky had turned a bright orange with a tinge of red. The horizon looked really beautiful. The soft, golden rays of the disappearing Sun fell on the river making it sparkle. The rays passed through the trees and fell upon our faces. As we were walking a silence fell between us, but it was not awkward. Rather it was comforting.

I felt a tug at my hand. Raymond was holding my hand to stop me from walking further. He tugged at my hand and pulled me toward him. I turned around to face him. His face looked angelic in the light and with the sunset background; it looked as though he had actually descended from above. He looked very...handsome.

Was that a spark I felt? Wait...WHAT!

We stood and just looked into each other's eyes. And then just like that, without any warning, Raymond pressed his lips to mine in a tender kiss. I swear fireworks did explode. It was not forceful or hard, but just tender. When he pulled back, his lips pulled up in a smile.

When he saw my stunned face he said sheepishly, "Sorry, I just had to do that."

I didn't say anything but just pressed my lips to his for another sweet kiss. When I pulled back, we just smiled at each other. We continued with our walk.

Somehow I didn't feel guilty. Instead it felt right. That's strange...but a good strange.

Raymond's POV:

I don't know what happened back at the river but something in me told me it was the right thing to do. Judging her expression and that second kiss, I think that what I am thinking is right.

Without turning she said, "It was the right thing, don't worry."

Wait what!

"Whoa! You can read my mind?"

"Yes. I can read anyone and everyone's mind."

I scoffed but chose not to talk anything about it.

I held her hand and started walking. The sun had long set. The moon had risen and the silver rays were sparkling on the river. Gosh I loved this scenery!

I looked at the sky and then at her. She was closing her eyes and her head was pointing up in the direction of the sky. She had a tiny smile on her face - she was enjoying the beauty of nature. I knew the exact moment she sensed that I was watching her as she turned her neck towards me and opened her eyes. Somehow in the moonlight, her already deep green eyes seemed even deeper. They twinkled in the moonlight. She was really gorgeous. I am not lying when I say this: She is going to be the death of me one day.  A little laugh escaped her mouth.

She said, "Thanks for that compliment."

I must have looked like a tomato. I changed the subject and asked, "What is your favorite time of the day?"

"I love nighttime the most. It's so peaceful and beautiful. What is your most favorite time of the day?"

"I love the evenings the most when all the animals and birds return back to their homes."

"Ah! So it is the returning part that you like."

"Yes. Somehow I feel that no matter how far you go, you always have to return back to the one place which will always be yours – home."

"Hmmm. That's really deep Ray. It's late and we should also have dinner. So shall we head back home?"

"Yeah sure. I am also feeling hungry. We should also head back home, cook dinner and then eat."

"Do you really think Dave will allow you guys to eat by yourselves? You are eating with us. That's final, no more arguments."


As soon as we got back to Rose's home, we weregreeted by silence. We both looked at each other and entered the house. It wasodd and an uncomfortable feeling settled in me.

Why do I feel something is wrong?

(A/N): Hey you guys. Sooooo, what is going on between Raymond and Rose? Ooooo! What qualities could other people of Synique possess? Keep reading to find out.

How was the song??

Vote and comment!! Love you all

Happy reading!!! :)

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