The Truth

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Today's song is Good Years by Zayn. I think this song is about his later time in 1D. I mean, the lyrics suggest so. Especially: "I'd rather be anywhere but here." or even, "Close my eyes, I see a crowd of a thousand tears."  For those of you who don't know he had severe depression during his last months in 1D. Anyways enjoy the song. It is really emotional! Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

After school, I, Kate, Lily and Ray piled inside my car and we set towards my home. As we approached the mansion, Lily looked nervous and tense. I held her hand and gave it a small squeeze. I knew exactly what she was thinking so I told, "He has so not moved on. Don't worry about that. Also he will be surprised to see you but not angry. So yeah just chill."

She relaxed a bit after I told her this. We reached our home when Lily said, "Ah! So this mansion still stands. How many years have you lived here?"

I looked at Ray and then at her and said, "Let's talk inside. Ray doesn't know anything about us."

Ray looked at me and asked, "Wait a minute! What don't I know?"

"Nothing you are supposed to know right now. I will tell you eventually but not now. It isn't the time."


As we entered the house I told Lily to sit in the hall while I searched for Dave. I found Dave lounging around in his room. As soon as he saw me he put on a smile and said, "Hey! How was school?"

He is still asking about my school, when he all but received such a huge shock just a few hours ago.God Dave! Seriously!

"Great. Now come outside. There is a huge surprise waiting outside just for you."

I all but pulled him outside. I took him to the hall and I knew the moment he saw Lily because he stopped himself from being pulled around by me. I turned around to see him stopped dead in his track. The expression he wore on his face was priceless. He looked at Lily – no he was staring at her and his eyes spoke lengths. He was confused and surprised, but most of all he was happy. He had a twinkle in his eyes which I hadn't seen in 191 years. His chest was heaving as if he was trying to gain control of his emotions. His mouth was hanging wide open and even though he was smiling he had a frown between his brows, as if telling that even though he was happy to see Lily, all safe he still couldn't believe she was real and that it was a dream which could break any time.

As soon as the initial shock got lifted, he smiled a wide, bright smile which lit up the whole room. He started walking slowly towards Lily and she as well got up and started walking towards him. As soon as he was near her he stroked her face with so much love that it was nearly blinding to see it. Tear welled up in my eyes seeing the scene unfolding in front of me. I was finally seeing my brother happy after such a long time and the feeling was amazing. Kate came and stood next to me. She as well had tears in her eyes. The only person who was not understanding what was happening was Ray. He had a very confused expression on his face and was looking from Lily to Dave and then at me and Kate. I did owe him an explanation.

I went near Dave and Lily and said, "You guys sit down and talk while I and Kate take Ray inside. Poor guy has got no clue what the hell is happening here."

They just nodded. I then went near Ray and told, "I am sure you have a ton questions. Come on, let's go to my room and I will tell you everything. You are Lily's brother and so you have a right to know."

I took a deep breath before I started telling him and even asked him to take a seat before I shook his world completely.

Well here goes nothing...or probably everything.

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