Secrets by the Bonfire

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Today's song is Sign of the Times by Harry Styles! Apparently this song is about a mother who is about to die after her child is born. Damn! That hits HARD!! Anyway the lyrics are amazing. His voice is...Ugh! So good in this song. His falsetto is right spot on, and his chest voice range is amazing(specially in the end!) The production as well is amazing! The use of the piano and the drum beat actually adds a sad atmosphere, a sad background to his already sad vocals and lyrics. I so cried hen I first heard this song!!! Hope you all enjoy it. Thank me later!!!

Rose's POV:

I was looking forward for Friday the whole week. Kate was as excited as I was but she was excited about the party. I was looking forward to this party because it was where the truth of Jasmine would be out. Kate had selected my dress for me which was a black top but was a bit too much so I had instead settled on a green one.

Kate had just said, "No matter what you wear you will look gorgeous and guys can't take their eyes off you and all that. But at least wear something which will heighten the color of your eyes.'

And so we settled at a white top and a leather jacket It was classy and looked good on me as well. What's better, I even got Kate's approval for it. I wore it with black jeans.

I applied just a bit of mascara and eyeliner and a touch of lipstick. Kate looked gorgeous in her simple yet elegant sleeveless red top and jeans.

As we went down we say Ray and Evan waiting for us. I looked at Kate and saw that she was smiling at Evan. Are these two...Oh my God! It would be great if they were.

I said, "But he is younger than us and isn't supposed to be at the party."

Evan then said, "Don't worry. I am just escorting her."

"Hmm. And here I thought you guys were just friends. Ray come on, let's go."

We both went and Kate and Evan as well followed us.

As we went to the party we saw that people were already there. A bonfire was in place and was all ready to burn. I saw Angie, who was in my Biology class with Jasmine. As soon as Jasmine saw me, she came towards me and wrapped me in a hug. Ray was literally shooting daggers at her and he didn't even know what the cause of his anger was. Lucky guy.

As more people started filling in I and Ray found a spot and sat down close to the fire. We both cuddled into each other. Kate sat down next to me with Lily by her side. Jasmine was sitting opposite of me on the other side of the bonfire. Everyone looked genuinely happy and all were singing songs. Mike, a guy in my P.E. class had brought his guitar and was playing.

When he finished I said, "Wow! Mike you play the guitar so well. Why didn't you join Music?"

"Firstly because I just cannot stand my mom. Second I just can't sing."

"Wait, Ms.Denver is your mom?"

"That's right!"

"I think she is pretty good."

"She is no doubt but only towards you guys. Me? Huh if I sing one note wrong she will grill me about it for hours."

They all laughed at that. We were all having the time of our lives just playing games and singing and laughing. It was really great.

After a while Ray told me, "You are right. Coming to this party really proved to be fun."

Saying so, he gave me a peck on the cheeks which I returned. Everything seemed great then.

Somebody said, "Okay lovebirds. Enough talking among st yourselves. Join the group talks."

That's when a guy came and sat down next to Jasmine. He was wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. Normally I wouldn't have given him a second glance but there was something about him that was...oddly familiar. When the light fell on his face, that's when I knew why he felt so familiar. He looked exactly like Zane. It was as though he was the carbon copy of him. I heard a gasp from my side and turned to see Kate looking shell-shocked. Her face had become completely white. Her mouth was open and her eyes were like two big saucers. She then looked at me and tried to speak something but couldn't- she was speechless. It was time to tell her.

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