t h r e e .

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[Y/n POV]

I'm going to college as usual. While I'm playing my phone, someone tapped my shoulder. It's Hana. I looked at her.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Someone tell me that he wants to see you after your class end at the college park." She said.

"He?" I raised my eyebrow. I thanked her. Who is it? Why he wants to meet me? Did I do something wrong? Ugh Y/n, just go.

-I go to the park and sit at the bench. About 3 minutes after I sat, someone approached me. Kim Jaeyoon.

"Why you want to meet me?" I asked.

"Err..." He rubbed his neck.

"Just straight to the point" I stared at him.

"Can we be a friends?" He said.

"Sure. Why not?" I said. Then I looked at my phone.

"I have to go" I said and stand up.

"Can I have your number?" He asked. Then, I give him. I rushed to the car as Vernon waited me.

"Where did you go?" Vernon asked.

"Met my friend" I said and he drives home.

As we arrived, I walk to my room and going to take a bath.

-I feel so fresh. I decided to do my assignment since now is my free time. While I'm too busy doing my assignment, a notification popped up.

"Unknown number?" I mumbled. I open the chat room:-



Hi. Who are you?

Kim Jaeyoon

Ouh, do you want anything?

Can we meet this weekend?

Okay, where?

Starbucks near our college



I rolled my eyes. I go to Vernon's room and tell him about that. I knocked on his door room. He opened it with his sleepy face.

"Am I disturbing you?" I asked because I think he falls asleep before I knocked.

"Urm no. Why?" He rubbed his eye.

"You have to send me to Starbuck near my college". I said and he nodded.

"Sorry for disturbing you" I smiled.

"Good night. Sweet dreams" He said and closed the door.

Wait, what??? Did he said that?? Suddenly?? Okay, now why my heart beating faster than usual? No, no, no. He is your bodyguard.



I walked into Starbuck with Vernon.

"You can sit everywhere," I said to Vernon as I saw Jaeyoon. Then I walked to Jaeyoon and sit.

"Who is he?" Jeayoon asked.

"He is my bodyguard" I replied. "So, what is it?"

"Urm, maybe it will be too suddenly but..." He stopped his word.

"But?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I really like you. Can you accept me?" He said. I'm froze. I don't know why but my head automatically I look at Vernon.

"It's okay, I will give you some times," Jaeyoon said and I nodded.

"I have go" I stand up and walk to Vernon.

"Is it okay?" Vernon asked.

"Yes let's go," I said.



Will Y/n accept Jaeyoon?????? Heheheheheheheh 😏

𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈𝙶𝚄𝙰𝚁𝙳 [SVT Vernon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now