f o u r .

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[Vernon POV]

After Y/n met with that guy, she not in her mood. I want to ask her but I'm afraid if she made me. So, I let her cool by herself. In the same time, I felt fishy with that guy.

-While I'm about to sleep, someone knocked on my door. I opened it and saw Y/n.

"Can I sleep with you? I can't sleep" she said.

"Are you serious?" I widen my eyes.

She nodded and entered my room. She laid on my bed. As she entered my room, my heart beating too fast. What?! No. You're her bodyguard. I lie beside her with my back facing her. I hope she has a good sleep.

-"Vernon, Vernon, Vernon!" I woke. My hands wrapped her waist. Oh no!

"I'm sorry" I apologised. I can feel my face heat up. AISH STUPID!!

"Thank you for letting me slept here" She smiled and I nodded. She walked out of my room.

"AH!!! STUPID HEARTBEAT!!!" I cursed.

[Y/n POV]

How can I accept him? What if I don't love him? What will happens if I reject him? AH! MESS! Today I don't have any classes, I decided to stay in my room and finish my assignment.

-Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in," I said. Vernon opens the door.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Let's eat. Mrs Jeon cooked." He said.

"Go first. I have to finish my assignment. After that, I will go" I replied. He nodded and closed the door. About 30 minutes after that, he knocks again.

"What do you want? I said I will - " My word got cut because he brought a tray of food for my lunch.

"Eat it. You are late for your lunch. You will get gastric. So, eat" He said.

"T-thanks" I thanked him and he walked out of my room. He freaking cute!!! My heartbeat can't beat as usual.

"Eat or I will feed you like a kid!" I heard he shouted.

Wait... Is it true what I heard????? My face turn red and I start eating my food. I'm still confused with what just happened just now.

"Stop blushing stupid" I cursed myself.

- "Yeah, Done!!!" I said as my assignment completed. I go to the kitchen to wash the dishes and go to the living room. I sit beside him.

"Thanks for brought me the meal," I said.

"You know, work is work. You have to look at your health first." I looked at him and he smiled at me. Again, my stupid heartbeat makes trouble.

"Do you to play the PlayStation?" I asked because I start bored.

"Sure" he replied. Then, we start playing it. We played 3 games and I lose all of the game.


Uwu he brought the meal. Heheheehhhe

𝙽𝙴𝚆 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈𝙶𝚄𝙰𝚁𝙳 [SVT Vernon X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now